January 2025

Letter from the President by Charli Thyne

The future is bright! Soon there will be a new sheriff in town. 

Sadly, the current president stomps all over the Constitution as he walks out the door. His mob-like approach to pre-emptive pardons is a sordid abuse of power. Finally, the criminal operation that has run rampant in the PEOPLE’s house will cease. 

Under Donald J. Trump’s leadership, selective prosecution will end, the constitution will be restored, democracy will be protected and the rule of law will reign.

As Donald Trump takes his rightful seat behind the Resolution desk, he has promised to cut taxes, build the wall, expand ICE and the border patrol, and refocus our great military. He will roll back rules and regulations that are negatively affecting small businesses. He may even finally be successful in reducing the size and reach of government. A gigantic reset is coming to America!

This is the time of year that many of us will be making resolutions. What will yours be? Lose weight? Eat heathier? Exercise more? Get out of debt? Save more? Mine are to put others' needs ahead of my own, be kinder, and to be more thankful for all the amazing blessings and mercies God has bestowed on me and my loved ones.

But most important: We should all resolve to do everything we can to support Donald Trump as he strives to keep his promises. He will face strong resistance and have to fight for every step forward. We The People must have his back if we want to make it all happen.

Wishing you a happy and healthy 2025!


Wreaths Across America matching program

The Wreaths Across America campaign is always a heartwarming tribute to those who served our country. This past year was no exception.

But now there's an exciting new incentive to jump start MRW’s campaign for 2025! It's a Matching Campaign that ends on January 17, 2025.

  • All sponsorships (online and mailed) will be matched if you go through our MRW Wreaths Across America web page.
  • If you purchase 2 wreaths, you get an extra wreath, as you have always done in the past. BUT IN ADDITION: the two wreaths you purchased will be matched - totalling 5 wreaths for the price of 2!

Think about what that will mean for the Wreaths Across America program next December - and you can get it done now.

The deadline to order wreaths is January 17. If you have any questions, please contact Mariann or call her at (910) 489-7825.

Go here to donate:

Wreaths donations / matching gifts

Club news

If you're not receiving our communications...

If you're a member or associate and not getting our communications, contact Pilar Page (pilarpage1@gmail.com) and let her know. Also, please pass this on to any members you know who are in this situation. We are finding alternate ways of sending our communications, if Constant Contact doesn't work for you.

January brunch reminder

Reservations for the brunch on January 8 have closed.

If you are confirmed to attend and have not already done so, you can pick up your Membership Directory and/or renew your membership dues.

Also, please bring individually-wrapped snacks or homemade goodies to be delivered to law enforcement personnel the next day.

Save the Date: January 20 Inaugural Ball

All of us at MRW thank God that Donald J. Trump will be installed as our new President on January 20. If you want to help us celebrate, come to our

Presidential Inaugural Ball

January 20

BanQ on Broad

6:00 p.m.

President Trump and Melania will not be there in person - but we will watch the festivities taking place in Washington, D.C., and help him and all true Americans celebrate the resurgence of our beloved country!

Stay tuned for more information on how to participate.

2025 Membership renewal - it's not too late!

The deadline to renew your MRW membership has passed - but it's not too late!

Renewal dues are now $50. You can pay in the following ways:

  • At the January 8 Brunch. See JoJo Egitto at the Membership table. Personal checks should be made out to "MRW," or you can pay in cash.

  • Pay online via credit card with a small processing fee. Pay online

  • Personal check made out to “MRW” and mailed to: MRW Membership, P.O. Box 3654, Pinehurst, NC 28374.


JoJo Egitto

2nd Vice President, Membership


(626) 757-0429

Thanks to Adopt-a-Highway "Cleanup Crew"

Many thanks to the following volunteers who picked up trash at our December Adopt-a-Highway cleanup:

L-R: Charli Thyne, JoJo and Vic Egitto, Pauline Bruno, new associate member Patrick Alvarez, and Jim Thyne (taking the photo).

The next cleanup date is March 26, 2025. Put it on your calendar!

January 9 is Law Enforcement Appreciation Day

As we always do, MRW will deliver baskets of goodies to the various law enforcement agencies throughout Moore County to show them how much we appreciate their hard work and dedication.

If you have the opportunity, be sure to thank a law enforcement agent or officer. Moore County remains one of the safest in North Carolina thanks to their efforts in a very challenging environment!

Save the date for the Lincoln-Reagan Dinner

Lincoln - Reagan Dinner

February 23, 2025

5:30 – 8:00 PM

The Country Club of North Carolina

1600 Morganton Rd

Pinehurst, NC

More info to come

Festive Candy Cane Ball

On December 20, MRW held its annual fundraising event, the Candy Cane Ball. With dinner, dancing and special guest appearances by Santa, his elf, and the Gingerbread Trio, attendees enjoyed an evening of fun, family and fellowship. See below for a few photos of the festivities.

Kings of the Candy Cane Ball - Tom Beddow and Bill Demastus

Christmas Parades

As always, the Moore County GOP, with big participation from MRW, celebrated the Christmas season by participating in a number of area parades. Our "Whoville" float is always a crowd pleaser!

Upcoming events

January 8: MRW Brunch, 10:30 a.m.

January 9: Law Enforcement Appreciation Day (distribution of snacks)

January 20: MRW Inaugural Ball, BanQ on Broad, 6:00 p.m. (more info available soon - Save the date!)

February 5: MRW Luncheon, BanQ on Broad

February 23: Lincoln-Reagan Dinner, Country Club of North Carolina.

March 17: St. Patrick's Day Bingo!

March 29: Military Missions in Action Gala

The Thursday Think Tank

Join fellow Moore County conservatives gathered for a weekly review of issues and events. GOP headquarters, 11:00 a.m. every Thursday except the third Thursday of the month.


Moore Republican Women is a proud affiliate of the NC Federation of

Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women, and a member of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of NC.

mrwnc1981@gmail.com | www.mrwnc.org

© 2025 Moore Republican Women News