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Fit News, July 2020
Happy Independence Day, and a weekend of celebration, with BBQ’s, swimming, parades and cheer. May this day be a symbol of joy, prosperity, and happiness in your life.

God bless America and the people who live here!

The Many Faces Of Fitness
Need a little motivation? Come workout with these people at Firehouse Gym, they will not only inspire you to live your best life at any age but also to seize the moment, and to make your peers jealous :-)
Yoga Boosts Brain Fitness
Practicing yoga benefits both brain structure and function by increasing grey matter in brain regions responsible for memory recall and emotion regulation,
Low-Carb May Not Be Heart Friendly
While Instagram feeds are awash with people broadcasting the weight loss benefits of living off butter and steak, there has been little data addressing the impacts of carb-stingy diets on various health measures down the line.
Recipe For Health: Mediterranean
Lentil Sandwiches
Over the past few decades, the much-vaunted Mediterranean diet’s ability to lessen the risk for an array of ills, including heart disease and Alzheimer’s, has featured prominently in research.
Can Exercise Prevent Depression?
Fifteen minutes of vigorous activity or approximately 1 hour of moderate activity (like walking or gardening may significantly reduce risk of major depression
The Reign of Whole Grains
When it comes to carbohydrates, we appear to have more proof that quality matters more than quantity.
Once A Week Strength Training
For OlderAdults
Great news for healthy older adults who may not be able to weight-train more than once a week.