Tips for a safe July 4
July is here and soon Americans will celebrate Independence Day. This day is observed by hanging out at the beach, celebrating with fireworks, spending time with family and reflecting on the freedoms of this great nation.  In order to make your July 4th safe and memorable, consider some safety tips from the American Red Cross:
  • If you're planning to use fireworks at home, the American Red Cross suggests following instructions on the packaging and keeping water on hand as a precaution.
  • Wear eye protection when lighting fireworks and never throw fireworks at people or animals.
  • Always wear a life jacket on a boat and obey rules when swimming.
  • Take precautions when grilling. Keep grills away from homes, trees or objects that could catch fire. 
To learn more, visit Also, download the American Red Cross Emergency App. Vital information is just a click away. 

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