An Early Spring?

After a few brutal Chicago winter weeks, the groundhog has confirmed our hopes - we're in for an early spring! These recent balmy 45 degree days have prompted us to gather a list of beloved summer camps for kids with special needs. Some of these are already kid-tested and kid-approved by attorney Katie and Jennifer's kids, John and Ellie.

This month, we're excited to share our first-ever list of summer camps for kids with special needs. Please send us your experiences to add to our list!

Introducing the "Spotlight"

New this month is our "Spotlight" feature, where we'll be showcasing affinity interests from our community members, people making a difference, and other fun stories. Know someone we should feature? Let us know here. Scroll down to read about our favorite Foreign Currency Collector!







In the midst of a Midwestern February, it's hard to believe summer is a few short months away. Being the planners that we are, we're scoping out summer camp experiences for our client families (and our own kids) with special needs.

Summer camp - whether a day or overnight experience - provides supportive opportunity for kids to test their independence, self-advocacy skills, build social skills, and to enjoy just being a kid. In some settings, camps also offer job skill-building options and training programs. Click here for a list of some of our favorite camps that have come highly recommended. If you have experienced a great summer camp for your child, please let us know- We would love to add it to our list!

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Next Steps Transition Workshop: Legal Planning for Transition


Clancy & Associates will present information on Special Needs Trusts, government benefits, and guardianship at the Glenbard Dist. 87 Transition Center (2166 Gladstone Court, Glendale Heights location). This is the first in a 4 part series. See Flyer under Event Description on our Website, linked below.


Batavia Special Education Parent Network Parent Resource Fair


Come say hi to our team and visit with community providers, agencies, support offerings and programs at this in-person fair.


A Parent's Situation Can Shift Child's SSI to SSDI Benefits

Because of their disability, a person receiving SSI may not have worked long enough to quality for SSDI benefits, but may begin receiving SSDI benefits if a parent retires, becomes disabled, or passes away.

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Lifetime Money Management for Children With Disabilities

Children with disabilities present a unique challenge for parents engaging in estate planning. You'll want to optimize your estate to enhance and enrich assets for your child while maintaining their enrollment in public benefits.

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Planning for Children and Adult Children With Special Needs

Making plans that address your child's experience while living with certain impairments requires careful thought and planning. When looking toward their future, consider your child's ability to make decisions and find the resources they will need.

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SPOTLIGHT: John - The Foreign Currency Collector

Hi, my name is John. I am in 8th grade and I collect currency from all over the world. I enjoy collecting currency because I like studying all the famous people on the money.

My favorite currencies are all of them because it is hard to choose. The most exciting currencies I have collected are the pretty and beautiful ones. Many people have helped me with my collection so far. Zia is from Iran he helped me get some Dinars. Brendan, mom’s college friend, helped me get a lot of foreign money from different countries. So did Greg, Chris, Kathy, Joe, Sharon Y. Kim, Tima, Sharon F., Emilio, and many others. My collection has made me choose “world traveler” as my dream job when I grow up.

Here are some of the countries I am still looking for: Norway (Krone), Sweden(Krona), Uzbekistan (Som), Kazakhstan (Tenge), Japan (Yen) Afghanistan (Afghani), Iran (Rial), Turkey (Lira), Pakistan (Rupee), Iceland (Krona), Denmark (Kroner), Hungary (Forint huf), Dominican Republic (Peso Dop), New Zealand (Dollar NZD), the Australia (Dollar AUD) and most of the African countries.

If you would like to contribute to my collection, you can see me in person or give some to my mom, Katie. Thank you for reading my article. John

What our clients are saying...

"I received great guidance from Katie and Violet. I never felt rushed, and received everything I needed in a timely manner, at a reasonable price. I highly recommend Clancy & Associates when planning for the next generation." -A.F.

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