Hi, my name is John. I am in 8th grade and I collect currency from all over the world. I enjoy collecting currency because I like studying all the famous people on the money.
My favorite currencies are all of them because it is hard to choose. The most exciting currencies I have collected are the pretty and beautiful ones. Many people have helped me with my collection so far. Zia is from Iran he helped me get some Dinars. Brendan, mom’s college friend, helped me get a lot of foreign money from different countries. So did Greg, Chris, Kathy, Joe, Sharon Y. Kim, Tima, Sharon F., Emilio, and many others. My collection has made me choose “world traveler” as my dream job when I grow up.
Here are some of the countries I am still looking for: Norway (Krone), Sweden(Krona), Uzbekistan (Som), Kazakhstan (Tenge), Japan (Yen) Afghanistan (Afghani), Iran (Rial), Turkey (Lira), Pakistan (Rupee), Iceland (Krona), Denmark (Kroner), Hungary (Forint huf), Dominican Republic (Peso Dop), New Zealand (Dollar NZD), the Australia (Dollar AUD) and most of the African countries.
If you would like to contribute to my collection, you can see me in person or give some to my mom, Katie. Thank you for reading my article. John