What's the Buzz? | July 1 2022
Hello Theatre Lovers!
Happy Canada Day!

We hope that you will join us today or tomorrow at the Collingwood Amphitheatre for our Canada Day gift to you! We are presenting Collingwood’s much loved band, Shipyard Kitchen Party, at 7pm on July 1st and then again at 2pm and 7pm on July 2nd. Bring your lawn chairs and celebrate with us! These are FREE concerts but Theatre Collingwood will be accepting any donations you wish to make.

This is the kick-off to our 2022 PORCHSIDE FESTIVAL! Throughout the month of July we will present 39 performances on or around porches in Collingwood. Some of the shows are concerts, some are plays, but all are packed with talent! Please get your tickets HERE or call our Box Office at 705-445-2200.
Just added to the PORCHSIDE FESTIVAL:

Elvis Pavarotti
With tenor Nic Rhind and accompanist Greg Gibson
July 23rd at 7pm
July 24th at 2pm and 7pm
9 Callary Cres, Collingwood

Elvis is in the building! Well not really Elvis......and not really a building. Rather, a porch and the incredible Nic Rhind! Nic is an accomplished Canadian actor and classically trained tenor. Join him and accompanist Greg Gibson for a mix of beloved opera arias, operetta, hummable Neapolitan art songs, and some Elvis - because it’s Collingwood after all!
When you are at the PORCHSIDE FESTIVAL think about whether you may have a porch we could use next year. We look for all different styles so please send us an email to [email protected] if you think you may be willing to share your porch next year!

We are also always looking for billet homes for performers. We require a private bedroom for the guest and a washroom and use of the kitchen if they need to cook. In return we can give you tickets and friendship! And the knowledge that you are helping an artist! If you have a rental unit and wish to donate it we may be able to give you a tax receipt, too. Please email [email protected] .
Many people have asked about the progress on the Performing Arts Centre. On Monday, July 4th at 2pm Dean Collver, Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture for the Town of Collingwood will be presenting a report to the Corporate & Community Services Standing Committee. If you are available please attend this meeting in person to show your support for the Centre. It is really important that we show council that we are interested in this project. If you cannot attend in person you may attend online, but we would love to fill the gallery!

TOWN OF COLLINGWOOD Corporate & Community Services Standing Committee
Monday, July 4, 2022 at 2:00 p.m.
Council Chambers, 97 Hurontario St. or Videoconference
To participate in the webinar please visit the this link:
Or dial in by telephone: +1 647 374 4685 or +1 647 558 0588
Webinar ID: 889 6041 1532
Passcode: 864293

You can find the Agenda HERE
Thank you to Dean Hollin and Kimberly Vincent for creating this great video for us! Please help us to make the PORCHSIDE FESTIVAL a success. TELL ALL YOUR FRIENDS!
Thank you, Everyone! See you at the PORCH!

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