Happy Earth Day Month

In this issue:

-Golden Pinecone Awards

-Teach at Tahoe in May

-Family Dunes Hike 4/15

-Day Camp signups 4/17

-Earth Day 4/22

-GBOS on Channel 2 news

-Family Nature Journaling & Farm Tour 4/29

-Fall School Day Trips (Spring and fall Tahoe overnight science camps are fully booked already.)

Celebrate our Golden Pinecone Award!

Join us at Great Basin Taps & Tanks April 13 to celebrate eleven local organizations honored for environmentally sustainable actions. Great Basin Outdoor School is proud to have been selected this year. We're rolling out the green carpet, donning our favorite thrifted or recycled fashions, and enjoying drinks and classy appetizers.

Reservations, details, and $30 tickets here.

Teach at Tahoe in May & the River School Farm in Summer

Love Tahoe and kids and the outdoors? Then come teach with us! Make a difference in a child's life. Kids will remember this multi-day Tahoe science camp forever.

Science, art, crafts, music, and hiking and playing along the river make for fun times at Adventure Day Camp for three weeks in June and three more in July.

See position description here, and contact Emily.

Summer Adventure Day Camp Registration

Save spots for your kids or grandkids starting April 17.

We'll be back at the River School Farm for six summer weeks, June 12-30 and July 10-28 with fun hands-on science, art, crafts, music, and more. For ages 6-12.

Details and registration here

Family Hike in the Dunes April 15

Easy morning hike at Washoe Lake State Park from 10 to noon has been a favorite worth repeating and will be led by Park Interpreter Kim. Donations both to the park and to Great Basin Outdoor School are appreciated to help us keep offering these family outings. Thanks to Gear Hut for partnering.

Bring water, layers, sunscreen, snacks, and good walking shoes.

And friends!

Details & registration here.

Our Farm Tour & Nature Journaling Workshop

for "Science is Everywhere Day" April 29 is a part of the Science & Technology Festival to connect our community with free hands-on science activities. Tom Stille will lead a tour of the River School Farm, his unique organic farm along the river that we are privileged to share with our Adventure Day Camp students during all school breaks.

Following his tour, families will be treated to a short nature journaling workshop by our Day Camp Director Karrie Wilhite who is a talented artist and a dedicated nature journaler. She has been leading our day campers from STEM to STEAM, incorporating more art and music into our STEM curriculum.

More details and registration will be available soon at

Northern Nevada Science & Technology Festival

Fall Day Field Studies for Classes

Our popular spring and fall Tahoe science camps are pretty fully booked, but there's still time to reserve a fall day field study for your class. Most are held at Galena Creek and focus on life science including dip netting for aquatic macroinvertebrates. Students hike and do activities supporting Nevada Academic Content Standards for Science. Teachers, find details and registration form on our website here.

Earth Day is April 22

In celebration of Earth Day this month, we remember how the powerful writing of John Muir and Rachel Carson and their commitment to protecting the natural world ignited the environmental movement and inspired the founders of our first Earth Day. Let's renew our commitment to ecological sustainability and environmental justice this Earth Day.

"Keep close to Nature's heart . . . and break clear away once in a while and climb a mountain or spend a week in the woods. Wash your spirit clean . . ." ---John Muir

“If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.”   ---Rachel Carson

Did you see us on TV?

Jack Sutton's "Nevada Backroads" featured our family hike at Galena Creek with Steve Hale portraying Dr. James Church with his Mt. Rose snow sampler on March 26 on Channel 2 news. Families were treated to story behind the science of how the water content of our snow is measured and why it matters. If you missed it, you can

watch here.

We thank you and the Earth thanks you for helping kids connect with the Earth and with one another.

Donate online securely here

or mail checks to:

Great Basin Outdoor School, 1000 Bible Way #53, Reno, NV 89502.

Please share these opportunities.

Forward to colleagues who care about kids and our Earth.

See more on our website and our Facebook page.


1000 Bible Way #53 - Reno, NV 89502


Emily Baldwin, Education Director

Karrie Wilhite, Day Camp Director

Derik Knak, Development Coordinator

Sue Jacox, Board President

Visit our website