During the early years our religion was referred to as "The Way". Somewhere along the line of time it became known as "Christianity." It was during those early times when Christians identified themselves, no only by their love, but by their greetings. It almost sounds like some spy thriller where there are secret codes and responses. One would say to the other "He is risen!" The other would reply back "He is risen, Indeed! Hallelujah!"
It is imperative that we add to that "just for you!" He rose for your salvation from egocentricity and self-centeredness. He did that to bring salvation, forgiveness, and freedom from sin. In practical terms, so that you could focus on other people, rather than yourself.
This is a sharp disagreement with today's norm of "You deserve a break today," "Have it your way", "Because it's you" and on and on. These are all focused on "being served."
On the contrary, we were designed to serve. Serve those in need. Serve those who are battered. Serve those who are lost. Serve those who make us uncomfortable. Serve those who are unlovable. Serve those who we detest. Serve those who are better off than we. And, always out of love. [If I have missed any, please add them in.]
When we think of serving someone it usually falls along the lines of "Would you like that with ketchup, mustard, onions, or jalapenos?" You know, where you ask them what they need or want. It puts us in the position of being a human vending machine.
What I think that "other centered" means is that you are aware of them and their needs. You help them whether they have a sign begging, or not. It means being aware of your surroundings.
It can be as simple as noting maybe that mother with the unruly child in the market needs your help and not your grumbling or sarcasm. It can also be as simple as picking up the twenty dollar bill that's on the ground and returning it to the person from whose pocket you saw it fall. It can be helping that "lost looking" person in the market find something. It may be feeding someone. It may be cleaning your closet and taking the unneeded, wrong sized items to the homeless shelter. It can be "clearing the air" with someone with whom you have a disagreement. The list is endless.
At times you will get an undesired response. That lady with them unruly child may jump down your throat for your offer of assistance. If that happens, or not, offer the quick prayer that you always do: "It was the least I could do, considering what you did for me! Thank you!"