aka "The Stereo Angels"

We know them, we love them! Both Joelle & Raven are solo artists. Together, they create some magic!
• To see more of Joelle & her musical creation Wild Horses, check out her YouTube channel here.
• When Raven is not performing as a Stereo Angel, she is writing music for a solo project as well as creating cards for her soon to be released sea-inspired oracle deck.
Chris Schmoke: bass
Mark Horwitz: keyboard 
Spencer Strand: drums
Gregory Price: percussion 
Brian Wright: electric guitar 
Music director Larry Faragalli: guitar

Host and Closing Treatment: Ursula Roden, RScP
Reading and Treatment: Dottie Uwaifo, RScP

Greeters/Ushers: Susan Primm & Mary Lou Cohen
Hospitality: Marsha Gregory
Audio/Visual: AJ Bigler, Ray Dryden
Board Member on Duty: Dale Rogers

Creative Youth - 10:30 AM
ATTENTION PARENTS: We have temporarily paused our Creative Youth Program. Please be patient & flexible during this transitional time as the Center is actively interviewing applicants for teachers.

Meditation - 10:15 AM
Join us in the lovely turquoise classroom upstairs for meditation before the Sunday Service from 10:15 to 10:45 am.

Service Begins - 11:00 AM
To view LIVE on Sundays CST, Click: CSLN.TV
Here is a link to last week's service.

After Service
Join us in the Fellowship Hall for coffee & tea after service.
Celebrating 35 Years of CSLN!

Attention! Our picnic this year will be Sunday, October 1st at Edwin Warner Park at Shelter #6.
The fun will start to set up at 1 pm and end at 5 pm. The main meal is planned to be around 2 pm. Edwin Warner shelters are located off a side road off Vaughn Road which is near Old Hickory Blvd.
Potluck Sign Up Sheets are in the Fellowship Hall! CSLN will provide plates, utensils, burgers, hot dogs, and chicken. We ask that you bring your own drink of choice. Our grill master Gary is also happy to grill any item you wish to bring— a turkey or black bean burger or something to your dietary needs.

Items needed: appetizers, side dishes, salad, beverages, or desserts. Croquet sets, frisbees, and musical instruments are encouraged as part of the fun and entertainment.
In Memory of William Kollar

We are sad to announce that a member of our community and A/V team, William Kollar, has made his transition. His presence will be missed at our Center, and we send love and light to his friends and family as they mourn their loss.

CSLN is Hiring!

While we are in this transitional phase, CSLN is looking to fill two positions for child care workers in the Youth Department for "casual care" during Sunday Service. Casual care is defined as being in charge of the safety and care for our youth, but not responsible for implementing lessons or a youth program. The compensation is $17 per hour. Let us know if you or anyone you know are interested! Email

De-Clutter Team Meeting + Update

A group met on Wednesday to begin our de-cluttering project. There are 3 tables in the Fellowship Hall with items we are letting go of. Feel free to take them and give them a second life! More info will be forthcoming about a weekday and weekend schedule to continue organizing what we will keep and we will let go of. All are welcome to pitch in!

Women's Circle
Every Thursday 12 - 1 PM on Zoom.

Men's Circle
Every Wednesday in the downstairs classroom at the Center from
6:30 - 8:30 PM.

(not sponsored by CSLN)

Tennessee Chapter Sierra Club Fall Retreat – Pickett State Park

The Tennessee Chapter Sierra Club will host its annual Fall Retreat at Pickett State Park north of Jamestown, TN, the weekend of
October 13 – 15. Please join us as we celebrate Mother Nature and the beautiful Fall colors in the State Park and State Forest.

Where else can you get a weekend with like-minded folks in the great outdoors with lodging, two breakfasts, and Saturday dinner for $60 (Early Bird registration by October 5th)? Is it your first time attending a Chapter Retreat? If so, you get the special price of $40.

Have youth 16 and under? Bring ‘em – they are free when attending with a parent or guardian. Activities are being planned for them.

For high level information and to register, please go to

Still have questions, call Charlie High 615.500.5499.


with Dr. Mitch Johnson

A new class with some practical processes that really work to help you master the LAW of Attraction. The Universe wants to give you more fun, more love, more joy, more health and vitality and more of everything good. This fantastic class will deliver to you the tools that makes this possible.

If you are ready to
1. Allow more good into your life than you ever thought possible
2. Create a healthy vibrant life
3. See real improvement in your finances
4. Feel genuine love for your life, yourself, others and for your Creator

Then this is just the class for you!

When: Thursday evenings from 6:30 -8 PM starting October 12 for eight weeks through December 7 (we will be off for Thanksgiving)
Where: CSLN classroom as well as on Zoom
Textbooks: The Last Law of Attraction Book You’ll Ever Need To Read by Andrew Kapp (available on Amazon or the bookstore) and Creative Mind and Success by Ernest Holmes (we’ll provide via download)
Tuition: $150

Sign up here! Please note this is NOT a certified class for Practitioner Credit.

Knitting Workshop

Have you ever wanted to learn how to knit? If so, join Sandra Rollins in three workshops in October & November to be held from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the upstairs classroom as follows:
October 17 – cast on, knit stitch
October 24 – purl stitch, cast off
November 7 – reading patterns; begin project
Materials needed to bring to first workshop: one skein worsted weight yarn in a favorite color, pair of small scissors, and size 8, 29”- long circular needles.
Suggested love offering: $5 per workshop.
If you would like to sign up or have questions, contact Sandra at

God is love, and I am one with God. I am an expression of God’s love. I unite my consciousness with the peace, poise, and love of the Divine Spirit which eliminates all congestion and discord. This Love is bringing all of my affairs into harmony, ease, and order. I affirm that every problem is released, every fear removed, and the way is made clear for good to come into my life. I am in the heart of grace and love. As I declare my good, the Law brings it into manifestation, and Divine Love creates healing, peace, and the highest good for all. The Divine Presence radiates love, peace, and joy from me from this day forward. And so it is.
Need a Spiritual Mind Treatment? Click the link above to select a Practitioner and the individual contact form to submit a request.
Giving to our Center is a statement of support to our healing and teaching Ministry. It is also a gift to yourself and your intention to live a joyous, Spiritual, centered life.

Please make your gift online or send by mail to:
Center for Spiritual Living Nashville
6705 Charlotte Pike, Nashville TN 37209
Phone 615-356-0174 ❤︎

59 in-person
22 online

81 total



online donations Sep 18 - Sep 23:
Have something to share with the community? Email Annie!
Oct. 8:
Rev. Rosemary Cathcart
Find treatments submitted by Practitioners: Click
Past newsletters: Click
Deadline for newsletter submission is Monday at midnight.