With the forecast of snow tomorrow, please know...

*The Thrift Shoppe is closed tomorrow.

*The "Plays on Devonshire" matinee, schedule for tomorrow at 2pm, has been postponed until next Saturday, January 13.

*We are still planning to hold Sunday morning worship with whomever is comfortable coming out. Remember, if you cannot make it to church, you can join us at our YouTube Channel:


*While we will plan to have worship, we are making the call now to NOT have Sunday School this Sunday.

*We have decided to postpone the Installation/Commissioning of our Council Members until next Sunday morning (January 14).


* Whomever is at the church on Sunday, and interested/able to help, are invited to de-decorate the church, with a light lunch provided -- yes, we will still plan to do that - again, even with a small crew. (Some of you have talked about coming in on Monday to do this as well.)

* We will make the decision on Sunday morning about whether or not Charging Station will meet in person or on Zoom. Keep up with activities at https://www.facebook.com/chargingstationhbg.  

Remember: Activities that get cancelled at the church, or if the church is closing due to weather, we try to get it posted on abc27.com - Closings and Delays.

You are invited to join us for worship!


Cover image: Shining Hope Acrylic on canvas By Lauren Wright Pittman (Inspired by Matt. 2:7-12) After a long journey, the star hovers, suspended over the wise men’s destination. Shining Hope images the joy of this moment and reminds us to revel in wonder of the journey itself. © A Sanctified Art LLC | Sanctifiedart.org | [email protected]


Please join us for worship (online or in person) Sunday, January 7, 2024 at 9:30a.m.

It is the first Sunday of the New Year! We finish our series, "How Does a Weary World Rejoice?" This week we answer that question with "we trust our belovedness." We will hear of Jesus' baptism (Luke 3:21-22.)

It is also Epiphany Sunday, so we will celebrate light coming into darkness, and the magi visiting the Christ-child (Matthew 2:7-12), by choosing our Star Words for 2024. (Learn more about Star Words in the bulletin)

Pastor Cindy will bring our morning message, entitled "Trusting Our Belovedness," and, being the first Sunday of the New Year, we will celebrate communion. (So even if you are joining from home, please gather your communion elements.)

Our morning music includes, "Jesus, Light of the World," "Journey of the Kings" (Siciliano) and “Glory (Let There Be Peace)”  (Matt Maher, Chris Stevens, Rachel Popadic).

A special thank you to all of worship participants...every week you make a difference. We are not sure who all might feel comfortable venturing out, so, we take this moment to thank those of you who sign up regularly to help make worship happen, and those who step in when asked. (remember, visit ttsu.me/serving, to sign up).

As you prepare for Worship online, we invite you to...

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