December 2022

We hope this newsletter finds you well and enjoying the beginnings of the winter season.

This is 'the most wonderful time of the year'! But it can also be the most expensive! Please try to be mindful of your spending this holiday season. With soaring inflation, rising interest rates and perhaps more get togethers than we have had in the past few years, it is far too easy to be swept out of control.

Try to spend within your means and keep your longer term goals in sight. Remember that we are here to help keep you on track.

We want to wish you and your family a holiday season filled with warmth, love and laughter and a New Year bursting with good health, peace and prosperity.

Karen, Richard, Janet & Jeni

Articles of Interest
Step Families &
Estate Planning

One in 10 households are blended families with children living at home. In an ideal world, everyone would get along peacefully and inheritances would be simple to sort. Realistically, there
are many individual relationship dynamics at play. 
We can help you come up with a plan that is fair to all, and protects each heir involved. Click below to learn about some of the complexities involved.
Questions Women Should Ask
Before Going Through A Divorce

Despite all the work women do today, there may still be big discrepancies between a husband and wife's incomes, or original net worth. 
Women may feel like they'll never be able to afford their own home on one income, or won't be in a position to pay for the lessons and activities their children are used to.
With the right advice, life can and
will go on.
Is Your Mortgage Coming
Up For Renewal?

You may be nervous about lending rates right now, with the biggest loan for most consumers being their mortgage. If you have to renew your mortgage soon, I'm afraid there is little good news.
There are a few things you should know beforehand, to make renewing a little less painful.

Preserving Your
Digital Photos

We are living in the ever changing digital age. This means we take a lot for granted, like our digital memories always being available to us and future generations. This may not be the case; digital formats change, social media apps go in and out of style, and data degrades. Here are some suggestions from the Library of Congress to help preserve your digital photos. 
Investing Outlook 2023

All in all, we believe 2023 will be another year of transition but one that should end well for investors who maintain a balanced approach” says AGF’s Kevin McCreadie in their
2023 Outlook.  
Click below for Kevin's 3 page outlook.

If you are interested in reading the full report that covers topics like, 4 geopolitical hotspots, an Asset Class roundup, what happens when Central Banks Pivot and so much
more, send us a quick email ~ spectrum@spectrumfinancial.ca
Spectrum Office Updates
Spectrum Holiday Dates
As many of you will be doing, the Spectrum Team will be taking some well-deserved time off over the holidays to spend with our family and friends!

Please take note that our office will be closed from
December 26 to January 2nd.

Charitable Giving Calculator
'Tis the season -for making your charitable donations, and reap the tax credits for you generosity!
Canada Helps has some advice for maximizing your tax credits and provides a handy calculator to see how much you can get back, at income tax time.
Don't forget that your favourite Financial Planner can also find ways to help you save on your taxes!
Financial Markets
Week in Review
For those interested in a deeper look at what happened in the financial markets this past week, this is for you.