"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything."
- Plato
As we embrace the New Year, let us find harmony in the melodies we study and share, for they are the soundtrack to our brightest journeys
Thank you for your support throughout the year! Together, we bring music education and appreciation to enrich our lives and those around us! Creativity and imagination is a priceless commodity! We have so many special musical moments to celebrate.
Last year I served as an adjudicator for the Southern California Jr. Bach Festival.
I completed two years of service on the MTNA National board as SW Director, Finance Committee, and CEO selection committee.
I am the 2025 MTNA National Conference Chair and will attend the conference in Minneapolis, MN in March. I have been nominated to run for VP of Membership for MTNA as well in 2025.
My goals for 2025 are to bring my students to reach new heights with their music, community service through music, leadership, and preparing them for college through creativity. I am also working to support the next generation of music teachers that I mentor through college, local and state music teacher conference presentations, creating more courses and templates to help keep music teachers updated on technology and business.