Happy Holidays

Wishing you a happy holiday!

No matter what holiday you celebrate, we'd like to wish you a safe and happy holiday season and a peaceful and prosperous New Year!

"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything."

- Plato

As we embrace the New Year, let us find harmony in the melodies we study and share, for they are the soundtrack to our brightest journeys

Thank you for your support throughout the year! Together, we bring music education and appreciation to enrich our lives and those around us! Creativity and imagination is a priceless commodity! We have so many special musical moments to celebrate.

Last year I served as an adjudicator for the Southern California Jr. Bach Festival.

I completed two years of service on the MTNA National board as SW Director, Finance Committee, and CEO selection committee.

I am the 2025 MTNA National Conference Chair and will attend the conference in Minneapolis, MN in March. I have been nominated to run for VP of Membership for MTNA as well in 2025.

My goals for 2025 are to bring my students to reach new heights with their music, community service through music, leadership, and preparing them for college through creativity. I am also working to support the next generation of music teachers that I mentor through college, local and state music teacher conference presentations, creating more courses and templates to help keep music teachers updated on technology and business.

RCM Royal Conservatory of Music

STARS Service

STARS Student Service League

Community Service and Student Board Leadership

In 2021, we started the STARS Music Service League and created a Student Board of Directors with all current members serving on the board. We will continue holding as many performances at a senior homes as time permits for our busy high school students leading STARS.


Our students just held a very successful performance at a local senior home on their own on Sunday, October 25th at Oakmont Senior Home. Students made music ornaments and brought chocolate and made origami boxed for over 40 senior citizens. 

Learn more about STARS

Mikaela D'Adamo Serves as Composition Adjudicator

Ms. Noreen and longtime student, Mikaela D'Adamo, served as adjudicators for the 2024 Torrance Unified All-District Reflections Composition Contest. Students included elementary through high school, beginning through advanced composition for piano, voice, guitar, percussion, trumpet, and more!

Mikaela passed Advanced Level Certificate of Merit in 2022 and received a 5 on AP Music Theory in 2024.

CAPMT California Association of Professional Music Teachers

Congratulations CAPMT Piano Festival & Ensemble Festival Top "5" Score Students!

The following students qualified to perform in the CAPMT Festival Celebration Recitals and will receive a medal at the event on Saturday, January 18, 2025 at LA Harbor College

Nicole Hiranburana

Mia Liu

Madison Phan

Makayla Phan

Paya Salehi

Dylan Zhang

Upcoming events


Tuesday 12/24/24 through 1/2/25 Winter Break - Happy New Year! 🎉

Lessons resume Tuesday, Jan. 7th

1/25/25 SAT 3 pm January Piano Workshop

2/4/25 Certificate of Merit CM All Videos and sheet music uploads due!

2/22/25 SAT 3 pm February Piano Workshop

3/29/24 SAT 3 pm March Piano Workshop (TBC)

4/19/24 SAT 3 pm April Piano Workshop (TBC)

5/10/24 SAT 3 pm May Piano AWARDS Workshop (TBC)

6/7/24 SAT 3 pm June Piano Recital (Updated bios due 5/15/24)

Certificate of Merit (CM)

All media, videos must be uploaded with the 2025 CM sheet for all videos and 2025 technique sheet by 2/4/25

UPLOAD EARLY! The site crashes!

CAPMT Piano Festival (Held in Nov 2024) Top “5” Score  invited to participate in the Festival Celebrations held at Los Angeles Harbor College on January 18, 2025. 

Southern California Jr. Bach Festival

Sonata/Sonatina Competiion

CAPMT District 3 Sonatina/Sonata Competition Application Deadline: 4/12/25 for May 3rd competition 

SYMF Southwestern Youth Music Festival 

Choose pieces now!

RCM May/June exams

Events Calendar Link 

College News

Committed! Brinley is going to George Washington University to study Political Science in the fall. She applied ED early decision and got her first-choice college!

🎉Congrats , Brinley! We are so proud of you!

💡I love writing recommendations for my students for college, private high schools, scholarships, and being a referral for their first jobs!

Pro tips:

  1. Keep your student bios up to date with any areas that you shine: piano, volunteer, sports, MUN, academic decathlon, science olympiad, JG's, etc.
  2. Keep track of high scores for AP's, GPA's, Honor roll, Advanced classes taken in middle school, and all academic and music awards.
  3. Give me 2-3 weeks lead-time and clear instructions on what you need for the recommendation: link to website, your intended major for that college, and areas of emphasis, such as character and academic success.

AI and creativity

These are the jobs that AI can’t replace

  • From the World Economic Forum
  • AI is unlikely to be able to replace jobs requiring human skills such as judgement, creativity, physical dexterity and emotional intelligence.


  • The skills most in demand from employers over the next five years will include analytical thinking, empathy and active listening, and leadership and social influence, according to the report.

AI can't replace every role. The highest job growth in 2023-2027 is expected to be in agriculture, lorry driving and education, says the World Economic Forum.

These are the jobs that AI can't replace

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