Today, civic participation occurs at many levels. We make impactful decisions about our community every time we make a purchase, vote, post on social media and, of course, volunteer. We think any awareness we can bring to the many resources that might spur individual action for good, falls right in line with what we’re up to at HandsOn.
December 22, 2021
Happy Holidays from the crew at HandsOn Greater Phoenix to you! Wishing you all a holiday season full of laughter, love, and health.
Holiday Volunteering
Looking to volunteer on Christmas Day? It’s not too late to sign up! Click the button below to become a Holiday Meal Greeter for the Salvation Army Christmas day activities! There are still a few spots left.

Feel good about last minute holiday shopping by using Fry’s Community Rewards and Amazon Smile to give back to HandsOn while you shop! 
HandsOn Greater Phoenix
Physical Address: 1125 E Southern Ave | Suite 200 | Mesa, AZ 85204
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 4107 | Mesa, AZ 85211