The Union Dutchmen and Dutchwomen Hockey teams took to the ice in seated positions to level the playing field against STRIDE Adaptive Sports Sled Warriors on December 10, 2019. The fun-filled evening at the Frank L. Messa Rink at Achilles Center resulted in a 6-3 victory; and our team gave every advantage to their teams to allow some scoring, including swapping players!
Union College hockey team elite D1 players against the Sled Warriors had a blast learning their game from a different view! 
Union College is a very strong supporter of STRIDE Adaptive Sport’s mission. Union offers STRIDE use of facilities for “I Can Ride” bike camp . And the teams host our Spring fling teen dance in the rink in April.
Special thanks to Union Women’s Hockey player Cheyenne Harris and Union Men's Hockey player Anthony Rinaldi—former interns at STRIDE Adaptive Sports— for their hard work and dedication making the event possible.