Happy Holidays, HSMSE!

-From Our Families to Yours-

"Moments of Celebration"

Happy holidays, families!

It has been rewarding working with you to support the HSMSE community.

We look forward to the second half of the school year and all that it brings. Happy holidays!

From our families to yours.

-The PTA Executive Board-

Cross Country Banquet with Alumni and Students

The cross country team and its 57 athletes attended their annual banquet last night. Families contributed a wide range of family favorite foods from cultures all over the world that we had at the start the four-hour event. Following that were “thank-yous’ offered by each athlete to a teammate, the signing of season memory panels that each person received, the awarding of team awards and recognition of major achievements, and lastly advice and reminiscences from fifteen alumni who joined us.

-Coach Henning-

A PTA-Sponsored Faculty Dinner at FUMO

The PTA sponsored a holiday party for the faculty at Fumo. The teachers enjoyed a cozy evening of good food and company, along with a White Elephant Gift Exchange. Your donations made this holiday party possible! The administration, teachers, and staff will each receive a $25 gift card from the PTA as well.

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