E-Waste is December 26 - How perfect is that!
E-waste is collected the last Saturday of each quarter in Salem, which falls on the day after Christmas this month. It's the perfect time to get rid of broken Christmas lights, small appliances that have been replaced and old electronics.
E-waste Recycling
Saturday, December 26, 2016
8 am - 12 noon
Salem High School
77 Willson St.
Proof of residency required.
Almost anything with a plug can be dropped off-
-including phones, printers, fax machines, VCRs, CD players, lamps, etc.
Most items are free. There is a $10 charge per unit for TVs, computers
(including laptops), monitors, and large appliances such as refrigerators and freezers.
Items containing mercury including Compact Fluorescent Bulbs, can only be recycled at Salem's Department of Public Works, 5 Jefferson Ave, during regular business hours.