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December 16, 2023

Where the Spirit does not work with the hand, there is no art.
~Leonardo da Vinci

Upcoming Events

May 18-19, 2024 - Galactic Expo

event details here

Hi everybody!

As we enter into our winter slumber, everything around us will slow down. However, as the world evolves, time will speed up. You may feel the push and pull of the energies around you, knocking you out of alignment. Take this time of hibernation to come back to center. To the heart chakra. To the I Am. 

We wish you and your family a Wonderful Holiday and a Safe, Happy and Prosperous New Year.

Stay Happy, Healthy and Terrific!


Thank you to those who let me know about the malfunctions and errors on my old website. The template is very old and not worth repairing. It's still up but we have moved over to Square, where my store is located.

The address,, is temporary until after I get my domain moved, Don't throw out the address. Once moved, it will take you to the new website and the temporary address will no longer work. There is also a link at the top of the old website that takes you to the new one.

There is a bigger website coming but it is a few more months down the road. It will have more content. Videos, a new YouTube channel, a new blog, a members section, free assistance and tutorials on a variety of topics, subscription offerings, remote video readings, and much more as it expands. So stay tuned for that.

See you soon!

*appointments daily for private intuitive and mediumship readings, psychometry and property readings, stone and crystal energywork sessions, etheric field cleansings, aromatouch
*private one-on-one reiki attunements and certifications
upon request
*available for "classes to go", group readings
*also available at the Galactic Expo and other regional events as my schedule allows

Gatherings & Classes

"Classes To Go"

Private Reiki Attunements and Certifications

Hearing Your Guides, Angels and Helpers

Spirit Guides to Spirit Guides Group Channeling Session

What's In Your Card? Group Readings

Intuitive Oil Techniques

Soul Dance

Scheduling & Information

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Stone & Crystal Energywork

Etheric Field Cleansing

Intuitive & Mediumship Readings

Psychometry & Property Readings


Group Intuitive & Mediumship Readings

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