AWOL All Walks of Life, Inc. December 2010
AWOL All Walks of Life, Inc.
Upcoming Events
Christmas Computer Giveaway
Winter Youth Trip 2010
Situations:Shakespeare's Sonnets
Therapy Session Open Mic

Happy Holidays everyone! We hope this final newsletter of the 2010 year finds you all in good spirits. It's been a toughThe Jordans at Ellis Square Tree Lighting year, with budget cuts, political sparring and unemployment at an all time high. But what I think we must all remember to do is cut off the "stupid box" off (television) sometimes, and instead of worry about what the reporters have to say about our world, we should step right outside our own front door and "make some good". As we watch and listen to all this talk about the great "reset", you never think to wonder how kids are holding up in this mess. In 2010, we have had more kids experience financial hardships such as foreclosures, evictions, and lack of basic utilities in the home than ever before.

Now more than ever it's important for us to band together to "make some good" for kids like Paul. Paul is a middle school drop out, who has no more than an 7th grade education, and upon arrival to AWOL, not a glimmer of hope in his eyes, not to mention zero motivation to do much more than stay at home most days of the week. Paul is enrolled in the sound design and music education program and since enrolling just over a month ago, we have already started to notice changes in his attitude, like a desire to be around positive peer groups, a willingness to listen to adult role models and most important of them all, a unrelenting desire to come to the AWOL office everyday. We are proud to be "making some good" in Paul's life. How are we doing that you say? Easy..AWOL is there for young people consistently and without judgment everyday and on weekends. There is no magic bullet to saving our youth during a time when circumstances can make it even easier for them to turn to a life of crime. But it starts with good folks like YOU, stepping out the door to come volunteer or clicking the DONATE link to help with resources.

So as we head into the holiday season with cheer, we hope that you will all go out and "make some good" for your family and your community and may you all have a wonderful Christmas!


Tony, DaVena, Caleb and Daniel Jordan
AWOL All Walks of Life, Inc.

PS: A huge word of THANKS goes out to the Savannah Morning News staff writer, Jenel Few for writing such a wonderful Thanksgiving front page story on AWOL! We are humbled and thankful to live in a community with such wonderful and supportive citizens! Check out the story here: AWOL All Walks of Life showing Savannah Children a Bright Future

AWOL All Walks of Life, Inc.
Christmas Computer Giveaway
Volunteers Needed to help put Computers into the homes of low-income families

G.squad rebuild together eventIt's that time of year again, a time to give and be merry. AWOL is set to give away 100 computers to low income families helping our community bridge the digital divide! With over 400 computers given out since 2008 and nearly 25,000 pounds of e-waste saved from landfills and a whopping 10,000 training hours with youth and community members, this program is doing much more than just giving out computers. We are keeping our youth and our community members out of the "social landfill"!

If you want to help out with the BIG CHRISTMAS GIVEAWAY, send an email to

Volunteer Shifts Available
Date: Thursday 12/16
Session 1:12pm-3pm
Session 2: 4pm-7pm
Location: Coastal Georgia Center, 305 Fahm St.

AWOL All Walks of Life, Inc.
Winter Youth Trip 2010
Sponsor a Child for just $100 and Give the Gift of High Quality Arts Education

Black Nativity at True Colors TheaterThis winter AWOL youth will be treated to a very unique experience with a visit to Kenny Leon's True Colors Theater and Patchwerks recording studios. The trip is scheduled for Sunday, December 19th. We will be taking a day trip to Atlanta, GA. The cost of the trip is $100 per youth and/or adult. We are planning to take 40 youth and 16 adults chaperons. The kids are in for a real treat this year, with learning and enrichment opportunities throughout.
Kenny Leon is an African-American director notable for his work on Broadway and in regional theater. His success on Broadway has made him one of its foremost African-American directors. He gained prominence in 1988 when he became one of the few African-Americans to head a notable nonprofit theater company as the artistic director of Atlanta's Alliance Theatre Company. During Leon's tenure, the company staged premieres of Pearl Cleage's Blues for an Alabama Sky, Alfred Uhry's The Last Night of Ballyhoo, and Elton John and Tim Rice's musical Aida, which went on to Broadway. The Alliance's endowment also rose from $1 to $5 million during his time there. Mr. Leon's most recent accomplishments include nominations for two Tony awards for Best Director and was responsible for the direction of August Wilsons famous piece, Fences. Mr. Leon directed a star studded cast which included Felicia Rashad and Denzel Washington. As founder of the Atlanta based True Colors Theater, Mr. Leon has again developed one of Atlanta's most esteemed theater companies. AWOL youth will be attending a play by Langston Hughs, Black Nativity and will also participate in a professional acting workshop

Patchwerks logo
The AWOL Sound Design & Music Education kids (Projects 5) will be visiting the a professional level music recording studio, the infamous Patchwerks. Patchwerks is a full service music recording studio with a healthy client list that includes several Grammy award winning artist. The AWOL kids will have the opportunity to roam the same halls as Beyonce, 2Pac, Bobby Womack, Brittany Spears, Cher, Fantasia, OutKast and Pink...just to name a few. Professional learning opportunities help young people envision a better future. After the tour the kids will get some hands on training with industry professionals using the latest in equipment and software. Check out this video link of last years class getting a tour of Patchwerks. 2009 class visits Patchwerks on Youtube

Cost of the trip is $100 per youth which includes attendance at the show, professional workshops and meals. Many of our youth and families are need a little help to cover the cost of the trip. Please help out by sponsoring a child for the full $100 or DONATING whatever you can to help out.


When donating specifically for the youth trip, simply write "youth trip 2010" in the dedication box!

AWOL All Walks of Life, Inc.
Situations: Shakespeare's Sonnets
The Trials and Tribulations of Youth

Situations brandingThis year's annual hip-hop play production is going to really BLOW YOUR HAIR BACK! With a cast of just over 50 youth, these young people are working hard to bring you some of the most professional stage work that you'll see in this town!

Written and directed by AWOL theater arts director, Lakesha Green, the production takes a unique look into 18 of the over 150 sonnets written by William Shakespeare. After working with AWOL youth for just over 2 years, Ms. Green wants Savannah to get a birds eye view of the various situations encountered by our young people and marvel at their resilience and ability to overcome many of life challenges.

Thanks to Comcast Savannah for being a huge supporter of AWOL and for airing the hot commercial spot produced by Drew over at Paragon Design Group!

Tickets on sale now!

Go online and purchase at


Christmas Discount!
All schools reserving seats before the Christmas break will get a $1.00 discount dropping the prices to $3.00 per youth!! Hurry! Sale ends 12/19/10


Field Trip Reservation Form PDF

Know a School Teacher? Forward the Information
AWOL All Walks of Life, Inc.
Therapy Session
AWOL's monthly Open Mic at the Sentient Bean(Every 3rd Sunday@ 7pm)

Therapy Session crowdAWOL's Therapy Session is our once a month open mic (microphone) for youth and adults. The Therapy Session, now in its 8th year is the only youth focused event that allows area youth and adults to come out and share their thoughts, frustrations, and life victories through whatever art forms they desire in a non-judgmental therapeutic environment. The event is one of AWOL's most successful through a long standing relationship with local business owner, Kristin Russell of the Sentient Bean. The Beans is a hot spot of intellectual and creative capital and not mention great coffee and baked goods like those awesome Snickerdoodle cookies! We have ended another great year at the Bean and would like to thank all that patron the event on the regular and welcome all new comers in 2011 at the January event which will pay homage to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

What: Therapy Session Open Mic
When: Every 3rd Sunday
Where: The Sentient Bean Coffee Shop
Location:13 East Park Ave.

Time: 7:00pm
*Therapy Session is not held in December

About AWOL All Walks of Life, Inc.

AWOL's mission is to promote and provide self-awareness through the use of Poetry, Hip-Hop and Life. This mission is met by providing youth with high quality arts and technology programs during the hours most relevant to them, after school and at night. Founded in 1997 on the campus of Savannah State University by Tony "Polo" Jordan, the organization is one of Savannah's leading arts based youth development organizations. Visit our website at to learn more about our programs and events.

AWOL All Walks of Life, Inc.
P.O. Box 15846
Savannah, Georgia 31416

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