Tip #1: Simplify your Course Design Process

Plan your course's organization on a Word document before you jump onto your Blackboard site or any other Learning Management Systems (LMS). Organize your content inside folders on your desktop following your determined structure. This will allow you to focus on your course structure rather than on the technology. You can then easily recreate that structure on your course site once ready. 

Tip #2: Hot Drinks to Keep You Warm This Winter

What better way to cozy up at home during the holidays this year than to sip a warm drink by the fireplace. Follow these recipes approved by yours truly for some home made warmth!

  1. Flat White Coffee
  2. Hot Appe Cider
  3. Soothing Chai
  4. Pumpkin Spice Latte
  5. London Fog (Earl Grey Latte)
  6. Hot Toddy (adult drink! )

Tip #3: Provide Your Students with Resources to Help them Succeed 

Cal Poly Pomona provides an entire resource for students where they can get assistance with advising, academics, and tutoring. Let your students know about these important resources by providing a link in your syllabus to the Student Success Central website