Season's Greetings!

As the holidays fast approach, I’ve been reflecting on the year that was here at CFNS, and what a year we’ve had! We moved, welcomed new Board members, fundholders, and a community fund for Cumberland County, and through our participation in Communities for Gender Equality, the Investment Readiness Program, and the Community Services Recovery Fund, three federally funded granting programs we

were pleased to be part of, we facilitated funding to organizations across our province who provide a variety of essential supports and services in our communities. And finally, after so many virtual meetings, we got to see friends old and new at our “communi-teas” in Portapique, Yarmouth and Dartmouth.


So much of what we do goes on behind the scenes, but launching our new lupin branding was a very public reflection of who we are as a grassroots organization, connecting funders to causes they care about in the community. We wish to thank the talented team at Trampoline Branding, an agency where purpose trumps profits and who generously offered their services to us in-kind.


These are just a few of the highlights of what we’ve worked on over the last year. Rest assured, we are looking forward to the new year with projects and plans, including new granting opportunities, to better serve our community as we inspire even more donors and steward funds in helping build Nova Scotian communities of respect, belonging and possibility.


On behalf of our small team here at CFNS, we wish you and yours a happy and healthy holiday season.


Til next year,


Reminder: New Mailing Address and Location

We're now located in the former Atlantic Central - League Savings and Mortgage building. Be sure to update your files with our new address:

G001 – 6074 Lady Hammond Road, Halifax, NS, B3K 2R7.

If you visit, it's best to use the rear entrance. Plus, there's parking.

Contact Us

We're happy to connect. Reach us at or call 902-490-9916. Please note our office is closed December 25, 2023 - January 1, 2024.

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