From all of us at the County House Research family, Season's Greetings! May the New Year bring prosperity and peace.

B. Zimmerman, K. Capponi, R. Watkins, C. Courtney, K. Courtney,
P. Bryer, S. Ward, J. Eidelman & the CHR Team

All CHR offices will be closed on Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25, 2014 and New Year's Day, Thursday, January 1, 2015.
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Kelly's Corner
Robin's Ruminations
CHR News
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Our Second Decade of Excellence

Congratulations to Jennifer G. Courtney of our Shippensburg office for being elected Assistant Fire Chief of the Pleasant Hall (PA) Volunteer Fire Department. She is the first woman to hold the position. This is one of a string of firsts for Jenn, who is CHR's Safety Officer in addition to her other duties. I very much appreciate the passion and energy she brings to everything she does at work and in her community. Well done!


To all my colleagues, clients, family, and friends, please accept my most heartfelt best wishes for the holidays. Season's greetings!

If you have any questions about County House Research, please email me.  

Warmest regards,

Kelly's Corner
Happy Holidays! 

County House Research just finished its year-end Leadership Team Workshop. It was a very productive three days. One of the things that struck me most, was reaffirming CHR's core values:  dedication, honesty, being proactive, adaptability, and that YOU Matter.  These core values are embodied by each and every member of the County House Research team. They drive us to do our best daily for our team and for our clients.


If you have any questions, please contact me at  or (215) 717-7433 ext. 12 


Kelly Capponi is V.P. of Operations at County House Research.
Robin's Rumination

Technology and Snow - doesn't sound like a winning combination, but here at County House Research we have the technology to handle winter storms and alert you to weather-related courthouse closures. Additionally, County House Research has multiple offices in several states. If one office is closed another office can keep the work flow in progress. Please let me know if you would like to receive our alert status updates.  Happy Holidays and stay warm!  


To learn more about County House Research technology, please contact me at  or (215) 717-7433 ext. 21.


Robin Watkins is Director of Client Services at County House Research.
Each year, the U. S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program collects new, unwrapped toys from October through December and distributes those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community. In the spirit of Thanksgiving, please join us in supporting their efforts.
Copyright � 2014 by County House Research, Inc. All rights reserved.