Celebrating the miracle of your gifts

Your Holiday Gift

Happy Holidays!

Gifts from people like you are helping women like Kaylene and her 19 year old daughter Mikayla, who were able to find shelter and strength at Barrett House this year.

As the nights have gotten colder, I think about all those who are still outside, needing shelter, needing warmth, needing a hot meal, needing community. All those who, unlike Kaylene, Mikayla and the families at Barrett, will be alone this holiday season without gifts to receive … or gifts to give.

But in the mornings, I get to come to Barrett House, where the holiday spirit of joy and wonder is in full swing.

The aroma of cookies and pies baking in the oven is wafting into every nook and cranny of each bedroom. Women and children who would otherwise be sleeping in their cars … or worse … on the streets … can enjoy the anticipation of the holidays, rather than dread the cold and loneliness. They are excited for the festivities being planned by our Resident Advocates – movie nights, gift exchanges, arts and crafts. Amidst their anxiety about finding the next place to live, these women and families like Kaylene and Mikayla are always ready to spread cheer with one another.

Kaylene had never experienced homelessness before last summer. “Never in my life have I been in this position,” she explained. A retired hairdresser and beauty salon owner, Kaylene was dedicating her retirement years to her daughter’s promising modeling career. The two came back to their home state of New Mexico to help a friend … but when they found the door locked, they realized they had no place to go. As they stayed at motels night after night, Kaylene knew she had to get a job again, and her savings were running out.

“We’d never been homeless before. I’ve never had nothing but success… but when I lost everything…” Kaylene’s voice dropped off as she talked about the most hopeless days and nights of her life. Without a family support system, they lived in her car, and then under a bridge, before staying at a crowded shelter. Then she heard about Barrett House, and put her name on the waiting list.

“I kept telling Kayla, all we have to do is get to Barrett House … and then I’ll get a job, and we’ll be ok.” she recalled.

Your Holiday Gift

Kaylene and Makayla knew right away that things were going to be okay when they walked into Barrett, had their first hot meal in months, learned they could do laundry for free, and could take hot showers with shampoo and body wash.

With encouragement from our staff, Kaylene has started her life again. She’s trained for a new career as a Behavorial Technician and is now working with children who have autism. Meanwhile, Makayla says she and her mother are closer than ever, having come through this ordeal together.

I hope we can count on your support to strengthen mothers and families who come to our door next year. Thank you for keeping Kaylene, Makayla, and all the women and families we serve, in your hearts this holiday season.

Your compassionate gift will make a difference in the coming year for the women and children who come to our door seeking shelter, like Kaylene and Makayla.


Cory Lee, Executive Director

Your Holiday Gift
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