Illume has much to celebrate this year as the service continues to implement improvements to the system while facing multiple challenges. Let's take a look at the highlights.
Illume in 2024:
Filled over 72,000 interlibrary loan requests: Despite the challenges of a Canada Postal strike that started November 15th -- the 103 participating public and post-secondary libraries collaborated via the Illume service to deliver a large volume of books, articles, and other materials into the hands of BC and Yukon patrons.
New Features: The highly requested OpenILL Requesting feature was launched in March 2024! Libraries now have the option to activate patron-initiated requesting directly from resources such as EBSCO databases and EDS to Illume (SHAREit).
Improved Features: Many SHAREit features were improved this year, including the addition of separate lender lists for Non-Returnable (Copy) requesting versus Returnable (Loan) requests! Libraries that process both request types can now include geographic factors in their physical Loan request load leveling.
ISO Development: Auto-Graphics has also been working on an upgrade to support ISO 18626 for our ISO participating and partner libraries. Development has recently been delayed due to changing OCLC strategic directions, that potentially limit their software's ISO and API integration with SHAREit. More information will be upcoming in January to assist Relais and Tipasa libraries with clarifying their integration options offered by their vendor OCLC!
Enhancement Advocacy: In 2024, five (5) of Illume's software recommendations were voted top desired enhancements by SHAREit customers. And multiple other improvements were directly approved by the SHAREit vendor Auto-Graphics. The Illume Support Centre plays a vital advocacy role by collecting enhancement suggestions and broader system feedback from libraries and relaying them to the vendor.
In recent years, nearly 20 of our feature recommendations have been approved. Keep reading to learn more about upcoming enhancements!