Happy Holidays from The Chamber
Stay safe and see you in the New Year!
On behalf of the Chamber board, our members and our team, I want to personally thank each and every one of you for reading Chamber Events and BizNews. These newsletters help us connect with our members and Greater Victoria’s business community to ensure you have the most accurate information available.
This is our final newsletter for 2021 but we’ll be back in January with a full list of upcoming events, interesting news about Chamber members and the latest business to keep you in the know.
Remember to be patient, to show kindness and to take care of yourself and your families. And don’t forget to support businesses in our community by shopping local — #ChamberLocalVicBC!

Happy holidays!

Bruce Williams
CEO, Greater Victoria Chamber of Commerce
Please note that The Chamber will be taking a break from Dec. 23 to Jan. 2, 2022. Wishing you a safe and happy holiday!
On behalf of our Chamber Champions,
The Chamber sends our best wishes to everyone for the season
Support #ChamberLocalVicBC this Holiday Season
Get free shipping from Sidney to Sooke when you shop #ChamberLocalVicBC
The Chamber is proud that we are using every tool in our arsenal to encourage shoppers to shop local. Including evening the playing field by covering the delivery fee locally for your holiday shoppers.

Eligible retailers feature a green shop Chamber Local badge on our Member Directory for free local shipping from Sidney to Sooke.

If your business is interested in taking part in this initiative, please email members@victoriachamber.ca.
Give the Gift of Recognition

From innovation to sustainability to being an outstanding workplace nominate a deserving local business for the 2022 Greater Victoria Business Awards!
Nominating a business you love, own, or work for is fast and easy. Find details on how to nominate a deserving local business here.