It has been said many times, but it bears repeating, especially this time of year: We cannot share from an empty cup. If we take the time to refill and refuel when the opportunity arises, we will be able to share from the overflow, and thus regain what we need to sustain ourselves.
Those who serve higher education students and institutions in any capacity know well the cycle of draining and refilling the cup. Despite our best intentions, a refill doesn't last forever. Consider this cycle part of the practice of being in a giving profession. This can help you accept the need to replenish when it arises, rather than thinking that you should have been able to avert or avoid the draining out.
As you consider ways to refresh and grow in 2025, keep in mind that LifeBound now offers a new Self-Paced Inclusive Coaching Success Course, designed by academic coaches for academic coaches, exploring areas such as motivation, resilience, cultural competence, career readiness, and coaching unique student populations. LifeBound offers group and institutional rates for the self-paced course. Sign up today or share this opportunity with your colleagues and directors.
LifeBound's next three-day synchronous training is on January 6, 8, and 10 — a great opportunity for professional development during the quieter time between semesters. Finally, there are still a few spots open in the Spring 2025 LifeBound Certification cohort, for coaches who have completed either the 3-day training or the asynchronous course. Registration for the cohort will close in mid-January.