December 2017
From your friends at the Rustin Fund for Global Equality!
What a year it has been and thanks to your support to the Rustin Fund for Global Equality, several LGBTI communities are living happier healthier lives. That being said, so much work still needs to be done. Yet, we all know that the communities themselves are best suited to determine their needs and make their efforts brighter. That is why we set up the Rustin Fund for Global Equality in the first directly support LGBTI efforts in communities with such great need.
In 2017, the Rustin Fund supported efforts with more than ten organizations throughout the world to build stronger LGBTI communities! Please take a few moments to read an example of this amazing work and see our current campaigns.

Thanks again for your generous support, Happy Holidays and a Happy New year from all of us at the Rustin Fund!

Amanda, Anna, Craig, Elissa, Kent, Mark and Tapiwa 
Lavender Acres
We are happy to report our colleagues at Laveander Acres outside of Kampala, Uganda are well on their way to set up a thriving piggery business, specifically designed to provide employment to trans individuals. With initial investments from donors like you via the Rustin Fund, Sean and his team have secured land and started construction on the piggery--also knows as "Lavender Acres." They are about to purchase an initial stock of pigs and expect to be employing at least 6 individuals to work in the piggery in various capacities. We are thrilled with the results and happy to see trans folks gainfully employed.
Open Campaigns
As we draw close to 2018, we remind you of additional needs in the LGBTI world. Currently, the Rustin Fund (in partnership with the Mossier Social Action and Innovation Center) is supporting several organizations which you may be interested in making a donation to this year and stayed tuned for new campaigns in 2018. Current campaigns include:

Hurricane Relief for Caribbean LGBTI communities  (via the Caribbean Vulnerable Communities Coalition) - providing direct relief to individuals impacted by the both Hurrcaine Irma and Maria in several Caribbean Islands -- 

East African Chicken Farm  - Lodwar, Kenya (via Upper Rift Minorities) - providing gainful employment for recently resettled lesbian Ugandan refugees in Northern Kenya 

LGBT Youth Center Albania  - Tirana, Albania (via Alencea) -- providing shelter and safe space to LGBT youth in Albania.