December 14, 2023

Happy Holidays from SWSO

At this time of year, as we celebrate the season and reflect on everything we have accomplished in 2023, we are immensely grateful for the members who make this organization such a success.  

On behalf of the entire SWSO Executive Board, we wish you a happy holiday season and look forward to more in 2024! 

SWSO Reminders

Inspire change by getting involved.

Interested in volunteering with the AAO and SWSO? Visit AAO's new "Get Involved" page and find volunteer opportunities that match your skills and interests as we work together to advance the specialty. Whether you’re looking to contribute at the national (AAO), constituent (regional) or component (state) level, we can help find the best fit for you. Explore the available opportunities below and complete our brief Volunteer Interest Form to be considered for future opportunities.

Volunteer Leadership Opportunities

AAO Reminders


JW Marriott San Antonio Hill Country Resort & Spa 23808 Resort Parkway San Antonio, TX 78261 

Continuing Education:

There is a total of 16.25 possible CE credits.

Virtual option:

Click here for the Livestream Schedule

Click here for more information

AAO Winter Conference

January 26-28, 2024

Excellence in the Details | The Art of Orthodontic Finishing

Register Today!

Two requests for your help that will only take a few minutes of your time:

1) Take the survey!

We value your feedback and insights: the results from this survey will help inform our data-driven approach to AAO Advocacy priorities in Washington, DC and in states throughout the country.

2) Share the survey!

We want all AAO Members to participate in this survey. Please share the link with your networks via e-mail, text, Facebook groups, etc. Let folks know you have taken the survey and why you believe this opportunity to gain feedback directly from AAO Members is important. 

AAO Annual Public Policy Survey

Now Open

Due: 12/31/2023

With a few minutes of your time, you can help the Legal & Advocacy team plan for possible future work and important positions on relevant and timely issues with potential impact on our members.  

2023 AAO Public Policy Survey

New Live-Virtual Content Coming to the Wharton-AAO MBO in January

Over 1,400 participants across nine cohorts have graduated from the Wharton-AAO MBO program and they consistently rate it extremely high. Based on participant feedback to make it even better, the AAO is adding three live-virtual webinars hosted by Dr. Anil Idiculla and a new tool to enable participants to take immediate action to improve their practice beginning with the January cohort! In each webinar he’ll be joined by a co-host with Dr. Renee Doyle in the first, Dr. Dale Anne Featheringham in the second and Dr. Bill Layman wrapping it up to prepare participants to take action. 

The program covers 8 essential and up-to-date business topic areas, including building an intentional culture, leadership, people management, financial management, and marketing, taught by Wharton’s world-class professors and AAO instructors who are all orthodontic industry experts. The program is exclusive to AAO members and their office managers. The program is entirely online with new content released each Wednesday that you can complete at your convenience. Plus, AAO business coaches will support you throughout the course and will lead online peer-to-peer discussions about the content and how to implement it.  


Participants confirm that the content is relevant for orthodontists just starting out and for seasoned orthodontists looking to take their practice to the next level.


Learn more and register here, the next cohort begins January 31, 2024.

The World’s Greatest Celebration of OrthodonticsTM

Registration is now open!

Attend Annual Session 2024 in New Orleans for personalized programming that focuses on the content you need to succeed.

Register now

Save the Date!

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