Vol. 3, Issue 1, March 8, 2018
Hamilton's Labour Market Connection
Your weekly news & updates from WPH!
As we celebrate International Women's Day today we recognise both the economic strides that women have made in Canada, and also realise how far women still need to go to gain full workplace parity with men.
Happy International Women's Day!

Recent information from Catalyst, Workplaces that work for Women, reports that:

  • More Canadian women are working, but in lower paying jobs (in 2011, more than 45% of employed Canadian women worked in one of 20 low paying occupations, such as retail sales associate, admin assistant and cashier positions)
  • In 2015, full time employed women earned on average about 10% less than men
  • This comes at a time when women account for more than half of all university graduates (in 2011 women earned 52.7% of university degrees)
Look how much smaller Canada’s economy would be without women

It's International Women's Day, 2018. Do you know how much women have contributed to your economy?

A recent study by the Bank of Montreal has found that our economy would be a quarter trillion dollars smaller without women.

When it comes to women's participation in the workforce, Canada is a world leader. Canada ranks eighth among 40 countries surveyed by the 
OECD on female participation.

Quebec's participation rate for "prime working age" women (25 to 54) is about four percentage points higher than the national average.

The key to Quebec's success is the province's $7-a-day subsidized day care program.

HIPC Annual Event
When: Friday, March 23, 2018 - 11:30am
Where: David Braley Health Science Centre

Hamilton Immigration Partnership Council is delighted to have you join and celebrate with us at our Annual Event. You will be inspired as
Mayor Fred Eisenberger interviews three #HamiltonForAll Ambassadors. Also, you will be entertained by the Hispanic 
Children's Choir and enjoyed a catered lunch.
Reserve your seat at:
Workforce Planning Hamilton | 905-521-5777| info@workforceplanninghamilton.ca | www.workforceplanninghamilton.ca