


Losar Greetings to all of our Friends

Tuesday, February 21, marks the beginning of a new year on the Tibetan calendar, the Year of the Water Rabbit. As Jetsunma reminds us in this New Year’s message, it is “The Year of the

Survivors”! She points out that rabbits are “never encouraged, never defeated….a good message for us all – we don’t have to be big and special, and we can be small and humble, and we can continue.”

Please click on photo to enjoy Jetsunma’s Losar message


DGL Initiatives Endowment

This year, in celebration of Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo’s 80th Birthday, we are inviting our friends and donors to consider making a contribution to the DGL Initiatives Endowment Fund. The Endowment was established more than a decade ago to ensure the nunneries and projects we support are provided for well into the future. You may like to make a lump sum contribution or consider a bequest, i.e., naming Dongyu Gatsal Ling Initiatives in your Will. Please note that donors in the US are able to make tax-deductible contributions.

If you are interested in learning more about the DGLI Endowment and how to make bequests, please email us at info@dgli.org. For more information on DGLI, please visit our

website: www.dgli.org

Donate to the Endowment

Traditional Tibetan Dances

Those of you who received our Thanksgiving Newsletter will recall we featured the celebrations of Lhabab Duchen, Shakyamuni Buddha’s Descent from Heaven, at DGL Nunnery. Below we present a short film of that event, with very interesting commentary from Jetsunma. She compliments the nuns on the strides they have made in the last couple of decades in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition and emphasizes the importance of the feminine principle within Buddhism.

Please click on photo to enjoy the short film created on that occasion

We offer our heartfelt gratitude for your continued support and may the New Year of the Water Rabbit bring happiness and peace and harmony to you all,

Linda, Lillia, May Ling, Lindsay and Chrysanne

DGL Initiatives Board of Directors


Follow Us

Please support us by keeping up to date with news of Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo and our Nunnery projects and contribute to our social media outreach by sharing, liking, following, on our social media platforms:


About Us


Dongyu Gatsal Ling Initiatives is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the United States. For USA residents your donation is tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

DGL Initiatives supports the mission of our Spiritual Director, Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo. We are dedicated to improving the education standards and living conditions of Tibetan Buddhist female monastics and their communities.


Offering Service

If you are interested in volunteering for DGL Initiatives, we would love to hear from you! Our most immediate need involves helping out with Social Media. If this or any other type of volunteering appeals to you, please click on the link below to complete our online application form to tell us more about yourself and your interests. Thank you!

Volunteer Application Form

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