Newsletter | May 3, 2022
If you’ve been away from Mass during the pandemic or for other reasons, we invite you to come back to receive the Eucharist, rebuild community life and renew your commitment to Sunday Mass.

Pease join us at one of the following Masses:

Saturday at 5:00pm
Sunday at 9:00am
Sunday at 11:00am

Masks are no longer required in the Archdiocese of Seattle, but we continue to uphold other COVID-19 safety measures to continue to provide a safe space to worship for everyone. We understand that not everyone is comfortable without a mask at this time, and we also realize that not everyone wants to continue mask use. We welcome all people regardless of their mask preference and wish to provide a welcoming environment so that we may continue to carry out the mission of the Church. We appreciate all of our parishioners understanding both sides and respecting everyone’s choice in the body of Christ.

Please self-screen and stay home if you are not feeling well. Sick, vulnerable, at-risk, and otherwise concerned persons are encouraged to celebrate Mass with us via livestream.
As was mentioned last week, the Annual Catholic Appeal has begun. Last weekend at Mass we heard Ann Vandewark witness to the impact of the Annual Catholic Appeal to minister to those in need, to build the Catholic faith within us, and to directly support our parish mission services. Please consider Archbishop’s message as you discern your gift and use the button below to give today. Keep an eye on the tracking thermometer on our website's donate page to see our progress!
Marissa and Melanie, children of Jamie and Yu
Sabrina, child of Adam and Rowena

Bless these precious children. May they come to love you Lord and put their trust in you.

Infant Baptisms are celebrated on the first Sunday of each month, except during Lent. Our next one is Sunday, June 5 at 12:00 noon. To register for your child please get a Baptism packet from the parish office. Contact Laura, [email protected], to reserve your spot. Check out for more information.
Tonight, Tuesday, May 3 at 7:00pm
The first Tuesday of each month at 7:00pm, our Women’s Book Group gathers with wine and chocolate to discuss a book that has been chosen by the group. You do not need to read the book to come to the book group. The May Book is Anam Cara by John O'Donohue. The June Book is The Extraordinary Life of Sam Hell by Robert Dugoni.
New people are always welcome! We meet after weekday Mass every Wednesday for about an hour to discuss the readings for the following Sunday. We use the Sunday By Sunday leaflet to help us all understand more about what the readings mean for our everyday lives. Come and give us a try!
The funeral for parishioner, Connor Foley will be this Friday, May 6 at 11:00am. Lord, because of you, those who die still live in Your presence, their lives change but do not end. We pray in hope for Connor's family, relatives, and friends.

There will be no morning Adoration & Mass on this day.
Thursday, May 5 at 9:00am there will be a Word & Communion Service in the Chapel instead of Adoration & Mass. Fr. Vu will be out. No livestream.

Friday, May 6 there will be no Adoration & Mass. Please join us for the funeral Mass of Connor Foley at 11:00am
Sundays during the 9:00am and 11:00am Masses
The parish nursery is free and staffed during the 9:00am and 11:00am Masses. You can find the nursery at the bottom of the stairs. The sound system from the church is pumped into the nursery. If you would like to stay downstairs with your child, you may, and you can still hear what is going on in the liturgy. The nursery is recommended for children 1-4 years old. Please let Laura know if you want more information or have any questions, [email protected].
Special thanks to the families that attended CKCC this past year. It was a year of trying new things, adjusting, and being flexible and a year that ended with joyful hope. Watch the video from our super fun Survivor Party last Sunday, May 1, with spam carving, bean bag throwing, pool noodle rosary making, bug eating, and point earning fun! Special thanks to our Catechists this past year who were patient with me and just went with the flow as the tides changed and adjusted: Lindy Poole, Naya Fasheh, Rosario Garcia, Lori Fitzpatrick, Maria Dempsey, Kiara Buska, Dar & Kathy Kaulius, Brenda & Olivia Sierer, Angela, Louie & Harlow Martinez, Logan Yu, Kim Mijares, Nicole Suarez, Doug & Nympha Swartz, Mariana Sommer, and Aubrey Klepper. It was a small faithful group that kept the Spirit alive here at our Parish.
Youth Group will start back up again in September! Check out the image above to see some of the things we have going on this summer.
Now that parish life is up and running, we need volunteers for various ministries. If you were involved in a ministry before COVID please contact the parish office to let us know whether or not you’d like to help out again or try something different. New volunteers are always welcome! How can you use your gifts? Let us know if you can help!

  • Coffee & Donuts - Help with cleanup some Sundays after 12:00pm Coffee & Donuts.

  • Funeral Hospitality - You’ll get a call before funerals to see if you have time to make a salad or dessert for the reception.

  • Liturgical Ministers - Serve during Mass as an altar server, eucharistic ministers, lector, sacristan, or usher.

  • Livestream NEW! - Stream on a rotating basis Saturdays at 5:00pm. No experience with needed, just comfort with a computer.

  • Offertory Counters - Commitment is roughly every other Monday from 8:00-9:30am. Archdiocese background check required.

  • Pastoral Commission - Active Catholics in good standing can be part of the consultative group for Fr. Vu. Meetings are once a month. Interview required for consideration.

  • VBS - Youth and adult volunteers needed June 27-30 from 9:30am-12:30pm. Free childcare/VBS for children of volunteers.
Thank you for your support and prayers for our Refugee Afghan Family on Finn Hill. They continue to improve their English and we have a wonderful team of volunteers helping with transportation, babysitting, and tutoring. One of the sisters has had her interview for asylum and the second sister will have hers in May. Prayers are requested for a positive and speedy resolution. We are helping provide support for the family members still in Kabul who are in grave danger. Efforts are being stepped up to get them out of Afghanistan as quickly as possible, with their young daughter being an urgent priority. The other area of focus is in finding new housing for the family when their current lease expires Aug 1. If you are aware of any housing opportunities, particularly in the Mukilteo area where they have family connections, please contact Susan, [email protected]. Your continued support and prayers is sincerely appreciated. Donations may be made via the link for Afghan Family Relief on our website, Donations may also be dropped off at the SJV office, made out to “SJV” with “Afghan Family Relief” written in the Memo Line. All donations will go directly to this family.
The Sonshine Ministry prepares meals on a short-term basis for parishioners who are ill, recovering from surgery, elderly, or with new babies. If you need help with meals, please consider a Sonshine “no contact” meal delivered with our love and prayers! Or if you would like to prepare an occasional meal for a fellow parishioner, Sonshine welcomes your help! Please call the parish office if interested.
Join the program and pick out a spot on our property to beautify. This has become a very successful and rewarding program to everyone, especially from the pride you feel from working in our beautiful gardens to make them even better!

After many years of beautifully taking care of the area to the right of the entrance to the church, by the offices, Rose Frandanisa has decided to give up the area. She is hoping that someone, maybe a family, will take it over. Please contact Tony Zimmerman if this ministry is something you would like to do, [email protected].
Wednesday, May 11 at 7:00pm
Bishop Elizondo Eusebio will be here to confirm 31 of our youth! They have been preparing for the sacrament since September. Please keep them in your prayers, and support them as they become Holy Spirit filled, full-fledged members of the Catholic Church.
The Filipino Community of SJV invites you to celebrate Flores de Mayo (Flowers of May)
Sunday, May 15
Procession: 10:00 AM
Mass: 11:00 AM
Reception: 12:00 AM
In the Philippines, Flores de Mayo is a Catholic Marian tradition in which flowers are offered to the Virgin Mary. The celebration will start with a candlelight procession around the church praying the Rosary. After the procession, children offer flowers to the Blessed Virgin Mary, then she is crowned. The event concludes with the song “Dios Te Salve Maria” in honor of The Blessed Virgin Mary. After the 11:00 AM Mass, please join us for food and fellowship in the Social Hall.
Monday, June 27 – Thursday, June 30 from 9:30am-12:30pm
This four-day camp for kids ages 5 to those entering 5th grade in the fall, will allow them to travel back in time where we will see, hear, touch, and even taste what it was like to live in Bible Times! You will experience authentic marketplace shops, become students of Synagogue School, take part in games, dance, sing and make new friends as you discover more about life when Jesus walked the earth. Registration forms are available online or at the parish welcome table. Camp fills up quickly, so please do not delay in getting your forms filled out and turned in. Contact Laura Stanger with questions at [email protected]

Volunteers are always needed. Youth helpers and Adult Volunteers are welcomed! Youth helpers can earn service hours and Adults who volunteer are able to have their children come for free if volunteering for all four days! Childcare is also available for children of volunteers if their little ones are too young for camp. There will be a Planning Meeting on Sunday, May 15 at 12:30pm in the parish office. Anyone interested in helping with the planning process is more than welcome. The more the merrier! 
Wednesday, May 18 at 6:00pm via Zoom
In this workshop we will explore some of the research and science on separation, why it occurs, and how to use empathy and perspective taking approaches to build a culture of inclusion and belongingness within our parish community. The workshop will be facilitated by SJV parishioner, Andy Parks, Kuolt Professor of Business and DEI Faculty Fellow at Central Washington University. Contact Susan, [email protected], to register.
Men’s Retreat: July 15-17
Women’s Retreat: July 22-24
Save the date! The retreats are in Union Washington at the St. Andrew’s Episcopal Retreat Center on the Hood Canal. Not only will you experience time away at a wonderful lodge, delicious food, and beautiful scenery, but you will asl get to know people in our parish, and have time to reflect on your  relationship with God. More information will be available at the end of the month. Please contact Fr. Vu or Laura Stanger with questions.
Friday, September 2, 2022
Bring your favorite golf partners, family members, or friends and join us for a fun-filled morning before heading off on your Labor Day weekend plans. Father/son, Mother/daughter bonding was never so fun! Owe someone at work a round, bring them!
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Channel your inner “Bond, James Bond” in your best suave or formal gear and join us to celebrate the next 50 years here at SJV. We will be having an intriguing time figuring out who “bought it” and “how much is that worth.” Our team of SJV house chefs will be back with some amazing food. Get involved in the planning by contacting [email protected]. We are looking for creative tag lines for our theme – please email Ann at same email shown if you have some ideas.
How many Bond movies have 007 going against a Russian villain?
Answer: 6. They are as follows: General Arkady Ourumov – GoldenEye, General Orlov – Octopussy, General Georgy Koskov – The Living Daylights, Renard – The World is Not Enough, Ksenia Onatupp – GoldenEye, and Rosa Klebb – From Russia with Love.

New Question: Prior to the reboot of the franchise with Daniel Craig starring as James Bond, how many times did 007 appear to die?
Spiritual Director: Fr. Vu Tran
Group Leader: Grace Magbaleta 
November 7-12, 2022
Inside the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, you will see every national flag of the Americas, depicting Mary's love for all of the Western World. Her physical appearance foreshadows the growing exploration and explosion of Catholicism in the New World. Gazing at the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Juan Diego's tilma will bring tears to your eyes. Join us on this pilgrimage to see what is considered the holiest place in the Western Hemisphere. 
August 1-6, 2023 - Lisbon, Portugal
World Youth Day (WYD) is a worldwide encounter with the pope celebrated about every three years in a different country. WYD is open to all youth and young adults who want to take part in a festive encounter centered on Jesus Christ together with their peers. 
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