
Black History


Happy Monday from APA! We are sharing upcoming events and ways to get involved every week. Here's your weekly blast:

Did you know? The Black Arts Movement was the name given to a group of politically motivated black poets, artists, dramatists, musicians, and writers who emerged in the wake of the Black Power Movement. The poet Imamu Amiri Baraka is widely considered to be the father of the Black Arts Movement, which began in 1965 and ended in 1975.

After Malcolm X was assassinated on February 21, 1965, those who embraced the Black Power movement often fell into one of two camps: the Revolutionary Nationalists, who were best represented by the Black Panther Party, and the Cultural Nationalists. The latter group called for the creation of poetry, novels, visual arts, and theater to reflect pride in black history and culture. This new emphasis was an affirmation of the autonomy of black artists to create black art for black people as a means to awaken black consciousness and achieve liberation.

Click here to learn more about the Black Arts Movement.

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Youth Arts Contest Artist

 Submission Deadline is TODAY!

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The deadline for the Youth Arts Contest Submissions has been extended to Monday February 28, 2022! Clink the buttons below to submit your artwork or RSVP for the winner's presentation at BLAQK House Collections (440 First Avenue Ste. 2, Pittsburgh, PA 15219).

Submit Your Artwork

The Alliance for Police Accountability stands in solidarity with Judge Mik Pappas

Please read our official statement below: #JusticeforJudgePappas

"The Alliance for Police Accountability stands in solidarity with Judge Mik Pappas against yet another baseless, defamatory attack clearly designed to undermine the important work he is doing to reform our criminal legal system and ensure fair justice for all. Judge Pappas has been a leader in the effort to eliminate cash bail, end mass incarceration, to prioritize care for affected communities, and to stop punishing poverty. It is clear this latest attack on his character is a blatant abuse of the District Attorney’s power, and a politically motivated attempt to intimidate not only Judge Pappas but the entire movement to create a more humane criminal legal system in Allegheny County. The DA’s office is invested with immense power, resources, and technology for the purpose of prosecuting crime. When they use that power to instead attack progressive reformers they violate the public’s trust and jeopardize public safety. Everyone who supports equal justice should stand in solidarity with Judge Pappas and let the police and DA know we will not be intimidated."

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Read the Latest

Thank you to everyone who attended the Defend Black Lives action at the City County Building!


Last Tuesday, the Alliance for Police Accountability, TransYouniting, Black Lives Matter Pittsburgh SWPA, and 1Hood Media Academy and others, came we come together to rally in Defense for Black Lives.

Thank you to everyone who showed up! Visit our Facebook page to check out the Live recording!

Watch the Facebook Live

March Community Meeting Reminder!

Join us TOMORROW, Tuesday March 1, 2022 for our monthly community meeting!

Register here

APA Traffic Stop Survey

We are concerned about the over policing in Allegheny County when it comes to the traffic stops. The police do not record data on why you're being pulled over, and we want to know why as we are working on expanding the new traffic stop legislation that was just passed to stop police officers from pulling over civilians for minor traffic violations. We want to make sure the new traffic stop legislation is reflective of the reasons why YOU are being pulled over. Please fill out the traffic stop survey below!

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Take the Survey

Local and State Proposed Rules on Cash Bail

The courts on the local, and state level in Pennsylvania are accepting proposals to change the rules for cash bail, and would like to hear from the community! While our position is to completely end cash bail altogether, your input on this issue is extremely important.

You have until the end of February to submit public comments for the local rules, and until March 8th for the state proposed rules. Here are the local, and state proposed rules, as well as a guide, and summary from American Civil Liberties Union on the local, and state proposals. We look forward to hearing from you!  

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Employment Opportunity Spotlight

Are you hiring or looking to post a new job opening? Email your job description to info@apa-pgh.org so we can help you spread the word!

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