Happy National Teacher Appreciation Day!

Thank you to all of the incredible teachers and staff at Lowell Public Schools for educating Lowell kids and teaching them life lessons inside and outside of the classroom.

Join Project LEARN, the LHS Alumni Association and friends tonight as we celebrate Lowell teachers and the outstanding work they do for our students. There is still time to share your favorite teacher story  and donate $10, $25 or $50 in their honor!

Funds support Project LEARN's BookNook program. 
Share your story today!

Visit us on our website:  www.projectlearninc.org
Follow Project LEARN on Facebook: @ProjectLEARNLowell
To respond to the needs of a changing global economy, Project LEARN was founded by local business, education, and philanthropic leaders in 2013. Working hand in hand with the Lowell Public Schools, community partners, and local businesses, Project LEARN acquires funding, leverages resources and develops programs that enrich the educational system and prepares students with the skills and innovative thinking they need to succeed and become life-long learners. Our goal is to transform the Lowell Public Schools into the standard for excellence in urban education.


Project LEARN | 978-455-9775 |  i nfo@projectlearninc.org |  www.projectlearninc.org