

Happy New Year to You and Your Family!

January and February are good months for restaurant maintenance. It’s a good time to create a checklist for maintenance needs such as touch up painting, table and chair repair and / or replacement, pull and clean bar equipment, shelving, etc. Restroom thorough cleaning and repair/replacement of toilet paper, paper towel dispensers, toilet / sink repairs, etc.

Back of the house may need thorough cleaning behind equipment, under shelving in coolers, etc.


During the 1st quarter, we will be making changes and updating our website pages. Please send Alison and I any ideas you have for your location page. We can put daily specials on your page, links to information you'd like to share with your customers, etc.

Any other ideas for your page? Call me to discuss!


January's training will include Aloha Online. We want to make sure everyone knows how to login and adjust their online ordering hours.

Please share any training ideas you may have for the new year!


NEXT TRAINING SESSION - Tuesday, January 17, 2023

New in 2023 - An easier way to order shirts:

We are currently working to create a website for each location. Some of you already are using it. This will be a direct site to order, pay and choose from a variety of colors and styles we have available.

More information to come!

Michelle: All Marketing, New Item Requests, Dinner, Drink, Catering Menu changes and updates. Webpage changes and suggestions.

Also, please always include Michelle on all POS requests or issues.

Matt: Copies of current/approved recipes, Sysco or distributor issues, any back of house questions or concerns.

Sandy: Accounts receivable and payable questions, Franchise billing questions, all sauce, dry rub orders.

Alison: Merchandise orders, website page messaging and/or changes, It's A Checkmate sign up and assistance, 3rd party delivery service, App changes or input, newsletter input.

Cesar: POS & configuration changes, Online ordering questions or changes, IT help if having issues with the POS system. (POS issues can also be addressed to the STG Help Desk.)



Click on the image links to download!

January is National Soup Month. This is a great opportunity to remind customers about our Famous Spicy Chicken Wing Soup! Feel free to download the post and use on your social media platforms.

Soup Month

January 1st: Happy New Year!

Let us know if you will offer any specials for New Year celebrations.

Happy New Year!

January 4th: Spaghetti Day

Invite your customers to stop in for some spaghetti. Let us know if you want to offer a special for the day.

Spaghetti Day

January 2nd: Motivation & Inspiration Day

There's nothing like a good quote to motivate and inspire customers to eat wings!

Motivation Day

January 8-14 is National Pizza Week!

National pizza week is a great time to invite customers to try some of your more unique pizzas! I can add specials to this post for your location if interested.

National Pizza Week

January 28th: National have fun at work day

This can be a great opportunity to showcase your employees, or invite customers to meet for lunch with coworkers. I can change any of the pictures to include your location.

Have fun at work day