Thank you to all our sponsors, supporters and volunteers

for helping us navigate this past year!

We are looking forward to 2024 and continuing support for our

Arkansas Down syndrome families!

Scroll down to see

Highlights of our FREE Programs and Events from 2023! Pictures included!!

For more information visit our website

Book Program!

Arkansas DS families can get a free copy of these books simply by requesting them on our website.

  1. “Babies with Down Syndrome, A New Parents Guide”-covers birth to age 5
  2. "Supporting Positive Behavior in Children and Teens with Down Syndrome"
  3. "Diagnosis to Delivery: A Pregnant Mother's Guide to Down Syndrome"
  4. "Welcoming a Newborn with Down Syndrome: A New Parent's Guide to the First Month"
  5. "The Girls Guide to Growing Up"
  6. "Boyfriends and Girlfriends"
  7. "The Boys Guide to Growing Up"

New and Expectant Parent Packet

New and expecting parents can request a packet through our website or their hospital social worker.

Hospital Visa Gift Cards, ACH Little Rock (LR)

Whenever a child with DS is admitted to Arkansas Children’s Hospital in LR, the family can apply on our website to receive a $25 visa gift card (limit 4 per family per admission) to help with miscellaneous needs.

Throughout the year we deliver goodie bags for parents and their children with Down syndrome admitted to ACH in LR.

Delivering Christmas gifts for parents and their children with Down syndrome admitted to ACH LR.

Mother's Day Gifts for moms of children with Down syndrome admitted to ACH LR.

Mom's Night Out provides free dinner out for our moms to connect with others across all stages of life and experiences. A short educational presentation is given; goody bags handed out to all and a drawing for door prizes! Dinners are rotated around the central AR area and provide moms a night out to network!

Dinner Club provides a free dinner out for parents and caregivers to share stories and network! A short educational presentation is given; ADSA updates discussed; goody bags handed out to all and a drawing for door prizes! Several parents took home free books and printed information on DS.

Club Connect a social night out for teens and young adults with DS! ADSA provided a meal, everyone played bingo with lots of prizes handed out and party favors for all! These nights allow our teens and young adults a chance to get out, share a meal and enjoy each other's company!

Mom's Night Out
Dinner Club

Club Connect

World Down Syndrome Day!

This year Governor Sanders signed a proclamation declaring March 21, 2023 as Arkansas World Down Syndrome Awareness Day!

World Down Syndrome Day Arkansas Senate Resolution 2023!

Arkansas Down Syndrome Association President, DeAnn Hunt, is elected to the national Down Syndrome Affiliates in Action

Board of Directors!

DSAIA is a nonprofit association made up of independent DS organizations from across the country who share expertise in advocacy, programing, and policy in order to improve services and successes among its membership groups and communities.

ADSA Family Day at the Travelers Game!

We provide free admission to the Travelers Game for Arkansas DS families!

A fun family social outing for all ages! (Over 125 people participated)

ADSA Annual Dance fun for ALL AGES!

Our ADSA Board member, Dr. James Hunt, spoke with national and international Down syndrome experts as part of the Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group-USA (DSMIG-USA) ECHO Project! Dr. Hunt's presentation was on facets of anesthesia for people with Down syndrome and the ways community providers can help anesthesiologists plan and deliver safe, and compassionate, care to our loved ones with DS.

ADSA Annual Block Party!

Touch Base Tuesday Zooms!

One Tuesday a month, caregivers from around the state meet and discuss what's going on in their lives, hear ADSA and Down syndrome updates, and network with other caregivers.

Down Syndrome Awareness Month!

In October we kicked off Down Syndrome Awareness Month, by lighting the downtown Little Rock bridges blue and yellow and hosted our second Buddy Walk! People from around the state participated to help raise DS awareness!

ADSA also gave away over 100 FREE DS Awareness Yard Signs to families around the state--to proudly display in their yards! We also sent out FREE DS Awareness Bookmarks and Glow in the Dark Wristbands around the state for parents and teachers to share with their schools and churches.

Touch Base Tuesday Zooms with
Moms and Dads
Downtown Little Rock bridge lighting!

DS Awareness Yard Signs

Down Syndrome Awareness Community Outreach

Our board members try to visit primary, secondary and post-secondary schools to speak about Down syndrome. We also provide awareness materials, (Facts about DS Bookmarks, Awareness Wristbands and Person First Language Pledge Certificates), to central Arkansas schools and help them plan awareness activities for their students and faculty.

Springhill Elementary, Bryant

Theodore Jones Elementary, Conway

Robinson Elementary, Little Rock
Robinson Middle School, Little Rock

Family Zoo Day!

A day at the Little Rock Zoo for Arkansas DS Families. We provide free admission, ride tokens and reserve the pavilion for ADSA guests to rest and visit with water and lemonade available. (Over 225 people participated)

December- Christmas Party
Sponsored by That.Church in Sherwood, our Christmas Party is fun for all ages! Have your picture taken with Santa, make a craft, play some games, karaoke, win door prizes and enjoy the season with community peers young and old! 
ADSA’s mission is to empower people with Down syndrome—and their families—by promoting community education, evidence-based healthcare, and social opportunities across lifespans. To that end, we provide ongoing annual activities, special events and community programs.

We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; all your donations are tax deductible and stay here in Arkansas! Your support allows us to continue producing most of our educational and social events at no-cost or reduced-cost to Arkansas families—as well as provide important free community programs.
Donate Here!
Arkansas Down Syndrome Association | 501-223-3696 | [email protected] |
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