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From Tracey
I gave myself a haircut!

Dear Albert,

I hope this first Eleven of 2021 finds you entering this new year with eyes open and body intact. That was quite a doozy of an opening, right? I don't exactly know what's coming next, but I am looking forward to 1.21.2021 and having a new administration running things in Washington, DC. Given that I was writing to you regularly leading up to the Georgia Senate races (we won, yeah!), I'm going to go easy on myself this month and share with you some of my greatest hits from recent times. I am working on a writing project, playing music and continuing to push my activism along day by day - more on that, soon!

Take good care of yourself and feel free to write back and let me know what you're up to.

Take care,


PS - the above image is from a card by my friend Tracey Stover


I spend a lot of time thinking about how to make my neighborhood and world a better place to live. Smetimes I'm focused on climate change issue - big ticket items like population growth or stopping clear-cutting. But much of the time I think about how to make change happen on the local level.

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How to Effect Change in our World

There are many ways to effect change in the world. You can talk to one person or many with your idea and if you're persuasive and your idea is a good one you may be able to see a positive result. I...

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What's the safest # of people to gather during a pandemic? One. What's the second best #?

8.14.2020 - I'm figuring something out and I want your help putting the finishing touches on this idea. Thank you in advance for giving this some thought. What's the safest # of people to gather during a pandemic? One. What's the second best #? It's two.

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How to build a group of friends using and other online tools

Problem: It's nice to have a group of local friends - the closer in proximity, the better. Groups of friends tend to break apart over time - spreading to the wind - some people move away; relationships fray; etc. Problem #2. It's often difficult to create a new group of friends when one moves to a new place.

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It's in the Cards - Let's go Deeper!

I've been playing cards since I was a kid. The game in my house was hearts. I also have a friend, Aaron Trotter, who has been sketching the world's cities (starting with Alberta Street in Portland, Oregon) and turning the sketches into decks of cards.

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Here's how to Create Your Great Email List(s)

If you've decided that you'd like to do a better job of marketing your business/cause/non-profit/self/project - Great! Here are your first steps to get started! This can be hard for some people - but it's worthwhile to go through this process. Gather your email addresses into a spreadsheet - Feel free to download this example in Excel .

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