Dear TC Families,
Happy New Year!
I hope your family is enjoying being back to routines and your student(s) are excited to be back at school with their teachers and friends.
TCPG Annual Appeal
Thank you to all who supported the Thornton Creek Parent Group's Annual Appeal this fall. Through your generous donations, we raised $83,000.
With forthcoming, significant district budget deficits, these funds will support stability at our school. While Annual Appeal has ended, you can donate to Thornton Creek Parent Group anytime - to donate click here.
2024 Legislative Session
This week, the Washington State Legislative session began. This is a short session and there is a lot at stake for public education. I encourage you to learn about the top issues and opportunities for advocating for our students and our schools. The WA PTA Legislative Priorities are here. Coming right up, the WA State PTA Focus on Advocacy Day is January 15th (more info here/email Amy Moses-Lagos, TC-PTA Advocacy Chair. This is a great opportunity to share your priorities in person with our decision-makers.
After our Parent Education event on State School Funding in December, many of you have asked what you can do to continue advocating on school funding so I am sharing a further avenue here. In addition to my volunteering with Thornton Creek, I am also partnering with parents across the city to advocate to the legislature for school funding in WA. Our grassroots group has organized as All Together for Seattle Schools. The forthcoming district budget situation is dire (a projected $100 million+ deficit for next year) and there are likely going to be very difficult student-facing cuts if we don't get more funding. You can find more information here including messages you can use to communicate with legislators. There is a real opportunity right now to urge them to use available revenues to fully fund our schools.
Thornton Creek Open Enrollment Tours
School tours for prospective families are quickly approaching. These tours are made possible through the generous volunteer time of TC parents/caregivers! Volunteers are needed to serve as tour guides. You are welcome to attend one or all. Parents with students across the K-5 spectrum would be ideal. Thornton Creek's tours are occurring:
- Wednesday, January 24 from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m.
Thursday, February 1 from 9:00 – 10:30 a.m. (1st – 5th grades)
- Wednesday, February 7 from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.
Please sign up here!
TC Welcome 2024 Parent Coffee
Last but not least, the school will have a return to school parent welcome coffee this Friday, January 12th, 8-9 AM in the TC Commons. Hope to see you there!
As always, please reach out to me or any TCPG Board Leader if we can support you or your family in any way.
In Community,
Erin MacDougall
TCPG Chair, 2023-24 school year