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Monthly news and updates
January 2021
Check out our new video of the Cedar Street construction site expertly filmed and edited by Erik Zepeda of ERZ Digital Media.

Thank you Erik!
Thrivent is awarding Tri-County Partners a contribution of $5,000 to help families in Benton, Franklin, and Walla Walla counties stay in their homes. Thrivent’s donation will allow Habitat to provide mortgage relief to Habitat homeowners who need temporary assistance making their mortgage payments during the COVID-19 pandemic. With Thrivent’s support, Tri-County Partners will sustain affordable homeownership costs for more than 4 families in our Habitat community.
Our Amazing Community!
Habitat Supporters went above and beyond for the 2020 year-end season generously donating over $65,000.
$3,000 of this was matched by:
It's a new year and we have 10 Habitat homes on the schedule (9 in Pasco and 1 in Walla Walla). Joining our monthly giving club is a great way to begin 2021. Your gift will help build homes that are decent, safe, and affordable for 10 local families that are diligently working on their 500 hours of sweat equity. Not only will you help build houses, but you will also help build dreams. Dreams of a more secure future for themselves and their families as we help them achieve strength, stability, and self-reliance through shelter.
2020 - Year in Review
Joshua, Zin Zin, and their 3 children
February 2020
Tu Mai Maran, Lu Pan and their 4 children
March 2020
Aung Myain and his 3 children
May 2020
Leticia and her 3 children
June 2020
Kyaw Thein, Naw May Thwe and their 4 children 
September 2020
Kyaw Htoo, Naw May, and their 3 children
December 2020
Volunteers of the Year
Doug Hamrick
817 hours
A long-time volunteer of multiple Habitat affiliates, Doug began volunteering with Tri-County Partners after he was transferred to the Tri-Cities in 2013. He has served as a volunteer for the store, construction site, and as the Treasurer, Vice President, President, and Secretary of the Board donating a total of 5799.75 hours. With an education in Mechanical Engineering and a childhood growing up on a farm he enjoys the hands-on aspect of being at the construction site and is currently at the site 2 days a week. When Doug isn't volunteering with Habitat, he and his wife, Julia, make it a mission to travel to the capital buildings of all 50 states. Beginning this journey in 2010, they have made it to 37 states and are looking forward to adding 11 southern states, Alaska, and Hawaii. Thank you Doug for all of the time and energy you have donated to Habitat!
Theresa Richardson, Former Executive Director

“We worked together during a very intense time for the organization. I really enjoyed working with Doug because not only was he dependable, he was accurate. He really poured out his heart in helping the organization turn around. He took the time to read through the most complex grants and developed a building schedule to give us a plan forward. He was a good sounding board for me because I knew he was as committed to Habitat’s mission as I was. I could trust him.”
We are grateful every day for the dedicated volunteers that make all of our work possible. We'd like to highlight these volunteers as well for their outstanding commitment to Habitat:
Paul Roberts 693.75 hours
Ben Moyers 693.25 hours
Teresa Frost 538.25 hours
Pete Hedges 431 hours
Barbara Louis 304.5 hours
304 S Cedar Ave – Framing is expected to begin Spring 2021
302 S Cedar Ave – Framing is expected to begin early Summer 2021
Special Volunteer Opportunity
We are looking for a small group of 3-5 people to do the final cleanings of our Habitat Homes before dedications. Tasks would include sweeping, mopping, cleaning bathrooms, kitchens, and windows (inside and out). Cleanings are usually done the Thursday before a dedication. If your group would be interested in this opportunity, please contact the Volunteer Coordinator at volunteer@habitat-tcp.org or 509-943-5555.
Walla Walla
Habitat Store
Donation Drop-offs:
Located in the back of the building. Please ring the bell on the white fence. Call the store at 509-943-1330 to confirm which items we are accepting.

Tuesday - Friday 10 AM - 4 PM
Saturday 10 AM - 3 PM
Donation Pickups:
To schedule a pickup, please call our donation hotline at 509-943-0222 and leave a message with your contact information and item details.