A Word from The Executive Director:

Dear members and friends

- We hope you are enjoying the holidays. As 2022 comes to a close, we want to wish each and every one of you a very happy New Year.

- On Saturday, January 21, we will be celebrating two French traditions: La Galette des Rois and Les Voeux. As it is a joyful opportunity to taste the always excellent King's Cake as well as making new friends while toasting Champagne, this has now become one of our most succesful events, selling out last year. Reserve early, while early bird prices are in effect.

- Prior to that, on Friday, January 13, come for French Heritage Night at Capital One Arena and see the Washington Wizards play against the New York Knicks, featuring their French player Evan Fournier, an All-Star player and Olympic finalist at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics! If you're amongst the first 50 persons to buy a ticket, you will even get the opportunity to high-five the players when they come out on the court. More details below in the event section.

- On May 4, 2023, we will present the French-American Business Summit. The theme will be "Innovation on both sides of the Atlantic". A reception at the French Ambassador's Residence for sponsors, speakers and attendees will be held on May 3. You can register now as an attendee, but please contact us for sponsorship and exhibitorship opportunities.

Important: After 2 Covid off years, the Chamber's Committees are re-launching. The current committees are Women In Leadership, Young Professionals and Global Business. If you are a Chamber member and you are interested in actively participating in the Chamber's activities and one or several of these committees, please contact us, as the committees are interested in expanding. Committee membership is only open to FACC members.

Best regards,


Our Upcoming Events:

In this newsletter:

  • Your Chamber in Action
  • The French-American Economic Relationship in numbers
  • Our Events
  • Members & Partners Events
  • Members & Partners' News & Communications
  • Our Members are hiring
  • New and Renewing Members
  • French-American news

Most of our events are produced in partnership with our members. In fact, that is in and of itself one of the most valuable benefits of being a member: we showcase what you do, and how well you do it, and we bring it to our large audience of 40,000+ French expatriates (long-term and short-term), francophiles, international civil servants, professionals, etc.

Best regards,

Denis Chazelle
Executive Director
French-American Chamber of Commerce
Featured Event
The Chamber in Action
The Chamber was honored to give $1,000 to sponsor a key for the acquisition of a Steinway Concert Piano for the Maison Francaise. The "88-Keys Fund" was founded by the French-American Piano Society. We thank the Maison Francaise and Dr. Mathieu Petitjean, founder of the Society, for this opportunity, and we look forward to many beautiful concerts for years to come.
The Macron State Visit: Key Takeaways
We thank Antonin Aviat, Head of the U.S. Regional Economic Service as well as Minister-Counselor in charge of Economic Affairs at the French Embassy, and Marie Jourdain, Visiting Fellow at the Atlantic Council's Europe Center, for an excellent discussion on the key takeaways of President Macron State Visit.
The French-American Economic Relationship:
If we can't connect in person...
let's connect online!
Follow us:
This newsletter is sent to more than 34,000+ recipients, made up of French expatriates (long-term and short-term), francophiles, international civil servants, professionals, etc. A large majority live in the Washington, DC region, but many also live elsewhere in the U.S. and in France. Members can advertise in the newsletter at no charge. Non-members can also advertise, for a fee. To sign up for a membership, or for more info, click here, or email us. You can also call us at 240-994-6932.
Upcoming Events
Members and Partners' Events
Note: This event is designed for French expatriates and will be held entirely in French.
Jade Fiducial

Jade Fiducial présente une conférence sur la fiscalité aux Etats-Unis, le jeudi 19 janvier à 12h30.

Au sommaire : « La fiscalité internationale des particuliers : où et comment déclarer ses revenus ? », présentée par Olivier Sureau et Kévin Brunet de Jade Fiducial.

La conférence sera suivie d’une séance de questions / réponses.

PostClassical Ensemble

Amazing Grace is perhaps one of the most beloved folk hymns, uplifting people around the world for centuries. Join PCE as we ring in the new year with Amazing Grace: Music for the Spirit, the first of what will be a seasonal family-concert tradition. Hear versions of Amazing Grace woven throughout the program along with African-American spirituals, works by William Grant Still, J. S. Bach and Adolphus Hailstork, one of the most celebrated American composers alive today. As a special treat, PCE’s Music Director and Conductor Angel Gil-Ordóñez will be joined on stage by Adolphus Hailstork himself. 

Audiences will leave this stirring program for chorale and orchestra reminded why music is known as the universal expression of the human spirit, ending with a joyous sing-along not to be missed. 

PostClassical Ensemble will be joined by guest soloists Tenor Wayne Jennings and Soprano Angeli Ferrette, the CAAPA Chorale, with Guest Curation by Stanley J Thurston (The Heritage Signature Chorale, Washington National Cathedral). 

January 11, 2023 - 7:30pm

Members and Partners'
News and Communications
The Challenge Coach

Pascale Brady, aka The Challenge Coach, would love to support you in making 2023 your best year yet! Join her on Friday, January 20, 2023, at 12pm EST on Zoom for a one-hour free workshop on establishing your intentions for the new year, setting SMART goals, and putting a practical plan in place to actually make them happen.
You will leave the webinar energized, hopeful and optimistic, with a clear idea of what’s important to you right now, what you, therefore, want to accomplish in 2023, and how to get there.
This very interactive and super practical workshop will be a great way to kick off the new year with a clear plan toward achieving some meaningful goals.
Sign up here and make sure to bring a few friends


Continuing on from the New Year, New You FREE webinar, this four-week group coaching program will boost your motivation: define your top goals for 2023, create a plan and implement it! 
Virtually, in a small group of no more than 8 people, we will work on identifying your most fervent wishes, we will look at what obstacles are standing in the way of making them into reality, and finally we will work on a very concrete, very achievable plan which you will start putting into place before the program is over. 
Each weekly session contains:
  1. some educational components
  2. some introspective self-work
  3. lots of group work, sharing and support
The program is highly interactive, deeply introspective and also lots of fun, in a very mutually respectful and completely confidential framework.
Learn more and sign up here
African Arts Beat

African Art Beats is an art gallery dedicated to some of the finest emerging and established artists from Africa and its diaspora.
Its mission is to introduce audiences nationally and internationally to contemporary African art, to showcase the talent, resourcefulness, and dynamism of the artists it represents, and to share the messages conveyed through their work - messages that resonate with us, regardless of our background or walk of life.
To schedule a visit, please call, message us or send us an email. We are looking forward to meeting you!

(Art depicted: Souleymane Konate, Binkéleman (2019), acrylic and pastel on canvas, 39.4 x 31.5 inches (100 x 80 cm)

African Art Beats / 3501 Lowell St. NW, Washington, DC 20016 / +1 202 766 2608 / [email protected] 
www.africanartbeats.com / instagram @africanartbeats
French with Elodie

In October "French With Elodie" went to Provence with a group of 13 francophiles for the experience of a lifetime! We visited Marseille, Aix en Provence, Arles, Avignon, Les baux de Provence and Camargue. In 8 days, we've discovered beautiful villages, we've tasted some wonderful wine, and we learnt about the local artisan work with visits to a local soap factory and an olive oil production. Everyone was making an effort to communicate with the locals in French and were immersed into one of France's most beautiful regions. Our next immersive trip will take place in April in Normandy and Brittany. Space is limited so if you're interested please email Elodie Guillon at [email protected].
Law Office of Edward W. Neufville III, LLC

Our member, the Law Office of Edward W. Neufville III, LLC, is offering a 15 minutes complimentary consultation for Chamber members and looks forward to assisting you.
The arrow straight, mile long approach to Llangollen is a clear bellwether as to what’s to come.

The 12,500 square foot 18th century manor house, with 17 fireplaces, 9 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms, surveys its 1,000 acres in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Equestrian pursuits have been the anchor at Llangollen since its inception, with a formidable racehorse operation centered around an impressive 24-stall stable and 5/8 mile track. The current owners introduced polo, with three polo fields and an arena being installed, and the sport has continued to enjoy success to this day.
Llangollen includes a jockey guest house, stone garage with apartment, eight tenant houses, six further barns providing an additional 89 stalls, nine run-in sheds, ice house, potting shed, smithy and various machine buildings. A national treasure ready for the truly discerning buyer. $27,500,000

In case you were unable to watch, below is a link to the Mansion Global episode with Llangollen which aired on Wednesday, Nov 16th on Fox Business. The host adopted a bit of 'poetic license' by saying that George Washington stayed there, as there is no evidence that he did, in fact he died four years after the original patent house was built. There are stories in history books such as Audrey Bergner's book, "Old plantations and historic homes around Middleburg" of Thomas Jefferson staying there, but who really knows!?

You can watch the episode here
Courtiers particuliers
et entreprises
[fr] Selon une récente étude CBRE, en France plus de 4 000 opérations de transformation de locaux professionnels en logements sont autorisées chaque année. Parmi ces conversions d’actifs, la transformation de bureaux en logements représente en moyenne 18% des opérations. Ce sont ainsi près de 800 bureaux qui permettent de créer 2 000 logements chaque année. L’Ile-de-France représente 20% du nombre et du volume de mètres carrés concernés par ces transformations.
Depuis 2001, selon une étude Knight Frank, 600 000m² de bureaux franciliens ont été convertis, ce qui a crée environ 450 logements par an. La “Stratégie logement 2035” de Paris qui vise 40% de logements publics, pourrait tirer vers le haut ces chiffres qui restent pour l’instant relativement bas pour plusieurs raisons. Le président de Knight Frank France relève notamment que « Le niveau élevé des valeurs vénales et locatives – notamment dans le QCA (8e arrondissement et alentours) qui affiche un différentiel de loyer de 300 à 500 €/m² en faveur des bureaux parisiens par rapport aux bureaux situés en 1re et 2e couronnes – ne joue pas en faveur des transformations ». Ces transformations de locaux en logements se heurtent également à des contraintes techniques.
Our Members are Hiring
Miorini Law

Administrative Assistant, Full time

Location: Miorini Law, Vienna, VA
More info here
Embassy of Canada, Washington, D.C.

Closing date: January 4, 2023 - 06:00:00 PM EST
Do you need an intern?
Hello, my name is Paul Bonhomme and I am looking for a 5-month internship in software development or networks and cybersecurity, starting April 2023. 

I currently live in France but being Franco-American, I do not need a work visa to come and work in the United States. 

I have an Associate Degree in Computer Science and am preparing for a Master of Science in Computer Science and Engineering in France. 

I have done projects in C, Java, C#, and other technologies described on my Linkedin. I am very motivated, so if you are interested in my profile, please contact me via Linkedin or mail.

You can find my resume here.
New and renewing members
French-American News
Go Home in Style
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