January 2023

A Message from the Executive Director


Happy New Year, Pivot!

The start of a new calendar year is a beautiful reminder of how far we’ve all come, and of how it’s never too late for a fresh start. And while new year’s resolutions notoriously don’t always last, our broader goals and dreams are something to always stick to.

At Pivot, our goal is to open as many doors as possible for our students and empower them with the education and critical thinking skills to know what the right doors are for them. So whatever goals, dreams, and even resolutions 2023 brings for the Pivot family, our staff and leadership look forward to supporting our students to make that a reality. 

We believe that meeting students where they are and building on their skills is the cornerstone of our success in living out Pivot’s mission of helping students struggle less and learn more. We prioritize assessing our students in their personalized paths on an ongoing basis. Through this process and with the care of our wonderful staff, we can determine learning gaps and hone in on the areas that we can further equip our students for success.

In this newsletter, I’m excited to share information about exciting new programs and classes that have been rolled out at our different campuses, as well as a first look into Pivot’s broader objectives to advance and transform both student and staff experiences in education.

You’ll read stories about our staff like Ms. Robin, our fantastic elementary Educational Coordinator at Pivot San Diego, and of a student taking advantage of Pivot’s unique resources like North Bay’s Wellness Fair! You’ll also learn about exciting Pivot updates, including a highlight of some of our student’s favorite classes and a look inside all things DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) at our school. 

Last semester, we rolled out our first Parent Portal, where parents and guardians can access their student’s progress on a daily basis and view key information about important events. If you haven’t already, learn how to access this incredible resource.

As always, our team of incredible staff is excited to kick off the semester (and the new year) with a continued commitment to creating a better future for your students. Thank you for choosing to be a part of the Pivot family.

Let’s make 2023 a great year!