Volume 055 January 2025

“Restfulness is a kind of lubrication tool for your system. Not enough rest means there will be friction within you.”      -Sahdguru

Hello Sheila,

Happy New Year! Wow - a full quarter century since the big Y2K. And what a ride it has been. On the heels of so much going on in 2024, it seems we are all still moving through all the changes that are happening all around us.

Read this newsletter and take notes of what resonates with you. It contains lot of great information including a meal plan, monthly challenges, and other resources as we collectively and in our individual lives experience a new year together.

We were promised that things would be changing at an accelerated pace in ways we couldn't imagine and it's fair to say that has been true. Life is very different than it was just 10 or 15 years ago when we still used paper maps and paid bills by putting checks in the mail. (Confession: I still prefer paper maps that I can hold in my hand.) The next 5 years are predicted to be pivotal moving forward into the century.

One big adjustment for us all is the increased pace of things coupled with the sheer quantity of potential distractions. It feels like it's hard to keep up. Moving forward with a strong foundation requires that we connect to our own inner knowing. We all have an inner knowing to guide us to discern what it true in a world of voices clamouring for our attention.

As mentioned last year in the blog, 2024 A High Energy Year, it seems things are amping up even more. As we kick off the year, our star, the sun, is going through solar maximum. Those in northern altitudes can look forward an increase in northern light viewings. This is due to activity on the sun and the solar flares that lead to coronal mass ejections. This sends particles from the sun flying through space that eventually interact with the Earth's atmosphere creating the auroras. All of this energy coming to Earth can impact our health as well. It's a variable worth paying attention to.

This month celebrates the 10-year anniversary of the completion of my first health coaching certification. It really is hard to believe a whole decade has passed. That journey started in order to learn about diet and lifestyle to support mental and behavioral health. This eventually led to a tapering and elimination of all psychiatric medications and a profound understanding of the body and mind's ability to heal itself presented the right situation to move towards wellness. I have added additional certifications and I remain excited to continue new learning and to have deeper understandings to explore and to share in the coming months.

The energy of January kicks off in Capricorn season, a cardinal Earth sign that often snaps us right out of the jubilant festive season and grounding in our intentions for the new year. It's a time to review the past year and to make adjustments in order to land firmly in the new year and move forward. This is best expressed in the French saying: Eculer pour mieux sauter which means to step back in order to leap forward. Truly, the month of January offers an opportunity to make an imprint on the energy we will bring into the new year. And it's a double new year this month with Lunar New Year coming at the end of the month. Even more of an inspiration to honor the tradition of cleaning the house both literally and figuratively to clear out the old and make space for the newness to come.

The focus of the month is RESTFULNESS.

Virtually every spiritual tradition teaches the necessity of rest in order to thrive in body, mind, and spirit. Scientific studies have confirmed that the benefits of restfulness include enhanced immunity, increased memory, reduced depression, regulated hormones, and even extended of lifespan. Like meditation and physical exercise, restfulness is considered a practice and even an art form. In that sense, we must be intentional and disciplined about its role in our lives.


According to the Rule of St. Benedict (450-540 A.D.), there is time each day to work and rest and play and pray. We manage to work hard to play hard and dedicate time for meditation and prayer, but what about rest? And while rest is related to sleep, it is much more nuanced and even elusive within the scripted and scheduled modern life that tends to focus on maximizing monetization 24/7. In her extensively researched book, The Art of Rest, Claudia Hammond discovers that rest comes in many shapes and forms that are unique for each person. Counter intuitively, it is not always a sedentary or solitary practice as we might initially imagine. Whether active or still, alone or in company; time tends to slow down when we are engaged in a restful activity. We feel a sense of safety and we often experience increased creativity.


Definitions for the word rest include: an intermission of labor, mental peace; to cease from motion, work, or performance; and to be free from what disquiets. Its origin in Old English is related to “a league of miles” implying the need to rest after travelling a distance. Judaism and Christianity both practice a day of rest on the seventh day according to the scripture in Genesis. The Jewish Shabbat is specifically defined as festive day offering freedom from the labors of everyday life. It offers an opportunity to contemplate life and spend time with loved ones.


Clearly restfulness must be applied to both body and mind. In fact, studies show that exhausting the body through exercise frees the mind to rest and vice versa. Athletes are well in tune with the practice of rest and understand its place to achieve peak performance. Professional teams employ trainers and sleep coaches to ensure that players are in top form. Yet for many, quantity of hours worked continues to be the central metric of success.


In a culture that places so much priority on work, it can be a challenge to unplug from the ongoing demands. When we are able to have unscheduled, open-ended periods of activity detached from our work and our problems, we also gain a perspective that is not available to us when we stay too close. We experience this when we are out on a hike daydreaming and suddenly a solution to a difficult problem becomes clear. We can relax and be in a flow. Periods of rest give the adrenal glands a break opening the door to better memory and concentration, enhanced pleasure, and calm connections with others and the world around us.


Restfulness requires trust and being at peace with the processes that we are pursuing on our life journeys. This trust is vital in order to co-create our dreams with the universe. Without restfulness, we are unstable and out of balance. Fear, worry, stress, and anxiety block the integration of restful energy in our energy fields. Restfulness anchors us providing a strong foundation for the pursuit of our best lives.

Since living in England, I have learned to embrace the dark season. The barren and rather bland landscape represents a clean slate opening the imagination and possibilities for the colors and brightness and fullness to come. But first comes rest and building that foundation to move forward and rise with clarity.

Whether you are going to participate in dry January, increase your step count, or address sweets cravings that are likely triggering some kind of inflammation, doing so in a restful and relaxed manner will enhance all of the cellular messaging at play with new inputs.

Be sure to have a look at the announcements section and share with friends who you think would be interested in this content. And you can always reference past newsletters on the website for inspiration.

May the year 2025 be filled with a year filled with blessings and prosperity, health and wealth for you and your loved ones.





Have you tried diet and lifestyle options before opting for a medication with risk of side effects?

What are you waiting for? In research studies, diet and lifestyle adjustments support hormone balance, mood regulation, blood pressure, blood sugar balance, cholesterol risk, fat loss, digestion, and much more.

New sessions are available for booking from 8 January.

Keep it simple and start with the Jumpstart Sessions to get your personalized roadmap and resources for your own best first steps to optimal health.

With a decade as a health coach, I hone in on the simple things to make a big impact to feel your best in your body, mind, and spirit when you wake up each day.

Respond to this email to book a free initial consultation.

New Projects Coming Soon!

I'm working on some big changes and I'm not quite ready to announce them yet. Thank you for being part of my journey to reach this point and I can't wait to bring my new projects to life this year.

1:1 Health Coaching

All of my work is totally bespoke to you and your specific and unique situation. I partner with you on your health journey and explore how best to incorporate best health practices into your life with minimal disruption and maximum impact.

It's never too late to start. New sessions begin week of 8 January 2025. Remember, there are always going to be trips and holidays and events and that's no reason to put your goals on hold. Take that first step and then we work together through the obstacles as they come.

Do you know you need to "get better sleep", "eat better", or "have better stress management" and aren't sure where to start? A big part of working with a health coach is to support the behavioral change needed to change habits and install and develop new ones.

Maybe you want to work on dealing with cravings or do your own version of dry January. Or you've been feeling sluggish and want to improve energy, focus, and concentration. Or even improve glucose or cholesterol metrics to move away from potential need for medication.

I have a track record of experience supporting clients to the feeling of freedom that comes making empowered choices for your health and living out all the positive benefits.

Click here to schedule a free consultation and take that first step.

All 1:1 clients get fully customized support to find the most simple adjustments to reach their health and wellness goals.

There are dozens of routes you could take to navigate health challenges, and you need to know which one will work best for you and your situation.

In my experience, it's the simple tweaks that can really move the needle here and they might be in your blind spot.


Want your entire family to be in a better mood or your team to be more productive? Or do you just want to team up with others towards better health and increased energy? Diet and lifestyle choices make a huge impact especially in terms of longterm vitality.

This can range from a one-time workshop or talk to a full extended program with weekly sessions.

All of my work is totally bespoke to you and your group. Email me at sheila@sheilascoaching.com to discuss how we can work together.

Featured Blog posts"

  • 2024 - A High Energy Year - Last year's post about the sun is even more relevant now as we are now in solar maximum and high sun activity. This solar cycle is proving to be received more intensely on Earth with the weakening of Earth's magnetic field.
  • Reclaiming Sleep: Your Health and Longevity Depend on it - Sleep is THE Foundational Cornerstone of Wellness. Read more about the research and best next steps to take to get this important part of the health puzzle dialed in this year.
  • 5 Simple Steps to Boost Immunity - It's that time of year when all kinds of sniffles going around. Guess what the best medicine is??

Resources & Links


The Art of Restfulness by Claudia Hammond

Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker

Lights Out: Sleep, Sugar, and Survival by T.S. Wiley


UK Met Office - What are the Auroras (Northern Lights) and when are we likely to see them? https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/learn-about/space-weather/auroras

"It is very important that we re-learn the art of resting and relaxing. Not only does it help prevent the onset of many illnesses that develop through chronic tension and worrying; it allows us to clear our minds, focus, and find creative solutions to problems." -Thich Nhat Hanh

January - We have crossed over from the solstice the and days are beginning to grow longer.

Focus of the Month: RESTFULNESS

21 December - 20 January Capricorn Season - signals us to get grounded in those goals and visions that we have imagined for the new year. 

1 January - New Year's Day 2025

6 January - Epiphany - in the Biblical story of the birth of Jesus, Epiphany commemorates the day the Wise Men arrived in Bethlehem bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

14 January - Full Moon - The first full moon of the year represents a time to reflect on that which we are filling our lives with for the coming months.

15 January - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (USA) - Leader of the American Civil Rights movement in the 1960s who worked for equal rights for all.

21 January - Aquarius Season begins - Air sign ruled by Uranus. Creative and innovative ideas are sparked as you settle into the projects of the season. May be a good time to take risks that propel you forward.

25 January - Burns Night (Scotland) - Scottish poet Robert Burns is celebrated as his songs and poems are performed during a meal which includes haggis and other traditional dishes.

28 January - New Moon - The new moon is often a time of release. A time of clearing to make space for newness to come in.

29 January - Lunar New Year - Year of the Snake - also referred to as Chinese New Year. A significant cultural holiday celebrated in many Asian communities around the world. Festivities include family gatherings, feasting on traditional foods and citrus fruits, giving red envelopes, parades, and dragon & lion dances. The Snake is the sixth animal in the twelve year cycle. It symbolizes wisdom, charm, & transformation. It is also known to bring balance to yin and yang which could be represented by the shedding of skin to grow into the new.

Fun Facts for January:

January is named for Janus, the Roman god of new beginnings.

1863 Abraham Lincoln declared the Emancipation Proclamation

1863 London Underground began operating

1922 Insulin first used to treat diabetes

1924 Doors opened in King Tutankhaman's tomb

1927 BBC began broadcasting its first programs

1930 BBC began first global broadcasts

1933 Construction began on Golden Gate Bridge

1958 LEGO born with first patent being submitted in Denmark

Challenges of the Month - RESTFULNESS

It's important to remember that our body, mind, and spirit are all connected. Many things will support more than one simultaneously. Also, when we focus on one area we may find ourselves uplifted in other areas as well.


  1. Consider rest as any activity that quiets your mind or your body. It may be reading a book, spending time in nature, going on a bike ride, preparing a meal from scratch, taking a bath, listening to music, gardening, or anything that brings you to a state of peace and calm. --> Identify what activities are restful for you and write them down --> Choose one or two and add it to your schedule. Aim for one 10-minute restful session each day and additional longer periods throughout the week and month.
  2. Assess your sleep routine. How can it be improved? This is the season of rest and during the winter months our bodies' cellular programming craves and requires more sleep. Allow for some cozy 'hibernating' time.
  3. Who do you feel rested and relaxed when you spend time together? Is it someone local or not so local? Make an intention to connect with that person and supporting, comforting, and bringing out the best in one another.

I love focusing on just a couple of things at a time. Remember this is about building strong foundations one brick at a time. Continue to stay well hydrated, get plenty of movement throughout the day, don't skimp on sleep, and practice gratitude.


While we are focusing on rest this month, it's a good time to reduce stimulating foods and beverages that we may have enjoyed very much and possible in excess during the festive season. This gives the system a chance to reset.

The digestive system can reset itself in just 5 days when removing sweets and starches from the diet. And while those days may entail some discomfort, once you get through, it's a great feeling with reduced cravings and more stable energy.

These menus, like my coaching sessions are made for you to customize them according to your likes and preferences and what fits best into your life and your regular meals. They are a framework meant to be adjusted.

Get in touch if you would like more menu support or would like a specific recipe.

Email me at sheila@sheilascoaching.com


Warm water with lemon and ginger (optional: add honey)

Poached eggs

1/2 grapefruit


Broccoli Soup

Shredded carrot salad

Roast Beef and cheese roll-ups or Half roast beef sandwich


Warm milk with honey and cinnamon

Sunflower seeds

Piece of dark chocolate


Cod or other white fish

Bok Choy & ginger stir fry

Steamed sweet potatoes

After dinner/bedtime beverage:

Chamomile tea

-Irish Proverb

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