Happy New Year everyone! Hoping you had a restful Holiday break! Unfortunately, COVID did not take a break and we are entering a phase where this virus is becoming ever more present. The numbers are going up nationwide and here in Austin we are no exception. Daily, over 2,000 people in the United States are dying of complications related to COVID-19.

Please continue to mask up, wash your hands frequently, and keep your distance from people outside your home as the chances of exposure increase. In this era of COVID, we can challenge ourselves to optimize our health and focus on changing the risk factors that we can control. Continuing to think positive and maintain a grounded, healthy attitude can help us all feel a little less powerless.

As a New Year’s resolution or reset, I suggest revisiting the idea of internal PPE. In addition, as you may have heard, there is exciting news on the vaccine front. Like me, I’m sure most of you have been following this development and you may have questions. Receiving a vaccine is now unfolding as an option and a way out of this pandemic with less deaths and complications- a much needed ray of sunshine as we enter this new year!

Lake Travis Integrative Medicine does not have COVID19 vaccines in house, but we do recommend getting the vaccine when and wherever it is most readily available to you! The availability is evolving, and we will keep you updated as we learn more- you may want to check eligibility and availability on the Texas Department of Health website and with your local your local HEB, Randalls, Tarrytown Pharmacy, or ARC. This is also a helpful tool to locate vaccine opportunities near you. ....Read more

I always tell my patients I am not provaccine or anti-vaccine, I am pro-patient. I want each patient to make the best individual decision for themselves, informed by evidence and in partnership with their physician. Read more
New pcr testing option; Risk-based guidelines update
Austin- Travis County is in Stage 5 as hospitalizations are on the rise. Please continue to do your part to slow the spread and protect our community as well as our frontline healthcare workers and hospitals from being overwhelmed!

If you are having trouble accessing testing, here is another option for at home PCR oral test kits. Cost is $130 with referral code 7665.