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I hope you've been enjoying your winter so far. This week's snowfall finally made it feel like the true snowy season we've all been waiting for.

I can't believe I've been with the Conservancy for almost 3 months now... I've been aware & involved for years as an avid trail user and artist - you may have passed my Sun Catcher in Grant's Woods shimmering between two trees a few years back. However, I had no idea the extent of this organization and the thousands of beautiful acres that have been protected since 1993, not to mention the hundreds of supporters who make what we do possible. It's truly impressive and I'm so proud to call this region, and now the Conservancy, my home.

As I start to ease into my new role and understand how things work around here, I'm excited to get to know my team of Ambassadors! Unfortunately, given the ongoing world circumstances, seeing you in person is still out of reach, but there's definitely ways we can get you involved this winter and continue spreading the word about what we do and how to make a difference.

Getting out on our public trails and chatting with visitors is a fantastic way to safely engage, while enjoying some fresh air and letting us know how things are looking. I've updated our Ambassador Page so you can confidently head out and report back - big thanks to my predecessor Joelle for putting together our highly informative training materials!

I'd also like to work towards building a Creative Team so we can share more stories & photos of our volunteers, donors, and land owners. I'd love to hear more about your story, why you chose to join our Ambassador Team and how you can help, so please shoot me an email when you have some time.

This winter I'll be working on developing our 2022/23 Passport to Nature program set to launch in April, engaging with our followers on Facebook & Instagram, gathering details for our 2021 Annual Report, and prepping for our AGM on March 5.

Thank you for your ongoing support as an Ambassador and inspiring others to take action to protect places like the Nicholson Nature Reserve, our newest 100-acre property nestled within the Black River Wildlands.

Here's to protecting land and a promising new year!

Samantha Vessios
Engagement Organizer
P.S. I'd love to know what you're MOST interested/skilled in (please select one)...
Trail Monitoring
Attending Events (when safe!)
Media (photo, video, takeovers)
Painting / Drawing
Making Calls
Hosting Webinars
Data Entry
We're looking for Ambassadors to help us invite supporters to our Annual General Meeting on March 5!

Phone calls can take place between February 14 - 25, a script and instructions will be provided in advance.

Through this job, you're educating others about the work we do and how they can take action to protect the land we love!

What this job entails:

  • Calling & conversing with humans
  • Confidentiality
We need feet on the ground to help monitor our busy public Nature Reserves! Chat with visitors, share your knowledge, and submit a digital report.

A big thank you to everyone who's been safely getting out and providing us with feedback!

Most visitors say Grant's Woods is one of their favourite places, and it's by far our most popular trail!
We understand some volunteers on this list do not feel comfortable volunteering during the pandemic. This is completely understandable and something we respect. The health and safety of you and our community is most important, and I do not want this newsletter to feel as though we're pressuring you into volunteering. It's simply an update on the Ambassador Program and offering ways to get involved during this time, if you feel comfortable.

Click here for our latest updates on our response to the pandemic
Passport to Nature:
Tracks in the Snow
Join us for the final 2021/22 Passport to Nature event on Sunday, February 13 from 10:00 am - 12:00 pm at East Coulson Swamp in Oro-Medonte
SAVE THE DATE! March 5, 2022
Annual General Meeting
Sharing the importance of land conservation with your friends, family, and loved ones is important and helps inspire others to take action to protect nature in the region!

Here are some ways you can help spread the word:

Have a conversation about why land conservation matters to you
Post photos of you exploring one of our Nature Reserves #CouchConserv
Share our posts on your social media

Tag us in your photos & stories!
Broad-Winged Hawk, TC Agnew (J. Burnie)
If you're an active Ambassador, please watch the videos below. Familiarizing yourself with the Conservancy and the Ambassador Program will help you feel more comfortable & confident when talking to the public about the work we do.
Conservancy 101 Training
Ambassador Training
P.S. Watching our training videos counts towards your volunteer hours, so don't forgot to submit your time when you're all finished!
Hi, I'm Samantha, Engagement Organizer at The Couchiching Conservancy. Connect with me about volunteer applications, how to get involved, events, or simply share your thoughts!
You're receiving this email because you signed up to be an Ambassador with The Couchiching Conservancy. Please let us know if life has changed and you can no longer volunteer or wish to receive these emails. Thank you.
Phone: 705-326-1620
Mail: Box 704, Orillia, ON L3V 6K7
Office: 1485 Division Rd W, Orillia, ON
Charitable #: 13972 5030 RR0001