The Power of One!
In my December newsletter there was a link for the numerical information for 2017... a universal ONE year. Here it is if you missed it-   2+0+1+7=10 and 1+0=1.  And, here's additional information regarding January...

An enormous surge of light and energy is expected to be anchored on Earth through our individualized divine presence (I AM THAT I AM).  This happen now during this month of January. This may happen again during the course of the year.  For now, everyone, if they choose, will be able to use these frequencies as a catalyst for the expansion of our continued transformation throughout the year, and beyond

New Years Day January 1, 2017 - A powerful start! 
January 1, 2017- 1 (month) 1 (day)  (year) = 1-11
Number 111 is a powerful number of manifesting and manifestation, and carries the combined attributes and energies of number 1 which reflects new beginnings. And then we have the karmic Master Number, symbolizing the principles of spiritual awakening and enlightenment.   111 symbolizes the principles of manifesting and manifestation.  This is repeated again on January 10th, 19th (1+9+10=1) and 28th (2+8=10=1).   It's  very important to be aware of our persistent thoughts and ideas as they will manifest quickly into reality. Our thoughts and beliefs should be positive and uplifting so we can draw the energies of abundance and balance into our lives.  Keeping mind and heart in alignment with what we intend to manifest we open the portal for that reality to unfold.  Enjoy your Day!!!  Intend it, and it is so!

January 11, 2017:  1 (month) 11 (day) 1 (year) = 1-11-1 or 11:11 is a number that reflects the transformation  from the physical to the spiritual or the Divine.  11:11 is the sacred geometric coding within our DNA that began initiating our awakening during the late 1980's.  11:11 is also seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, and it reminds us that we are vibrational beings, and it is our vibration that determines what we bring into our lives.
These numbers repeat again during the year.  If you're aligned with the power of numbers in your life you can plan significant and meaningful events for your spiritual and personal growth on these days during this universal One year.   Examples: Oct. 1st,  Oct. 10th,  Nov. 1st, Nov. 11th.  See if you can find more, always adding month, day or year then reducing to 1, 11, 111 or 1111
A share: Regarding manifesting quickly, I received a most wondrous gift for the New Year.  For all of 16 months I haven't been able to access my recordings that include messages from my guides, and meditations I used in my Angel Circles.  I searched my old computer, my new computer, and flash drives... all to no avail.  This week I've been calling on ArchAngel Michael and intending that my files be found, some how!!!!  Wanting to de-clutter,  I woke this morning wanting to power off and unplug my old computer.  When I touched it the screen changed, a window opened that said "Welcome'...  suddenly my old desktop appeared.  All my items were there, and in tact.  I can't explain it... I won't try.  I then realized today's date is 12.31.2016. These numbers added, then reduced to a single number is 7 .  I vibrate to number 7  (born 7th of Feb.). I was so elated I didn't know what to do with myself.  With deep gratitude, I downloaded some of my recordings.  Here's a link for you to listen to a 2012 meditation titled "Release Fear & Manifest".   It's a guided meditation that includes setting intentions.  Some of you may remember it....  I hope Enjoy it!!! 

January 28, 2017
1 (month) 28= 2+8=10 (day) 1 (year) = 111
   Happy Chinese New Year of the Fire Rooster!  

The Rooster being the sign of dawn and awakening, triumph and success can only be achieved at the price of hard work and patience in 2017.  T he energies are subject to the Fire element in its Yin form. Yin Fire expresses inner warmth and insight, as well as the quietness of privacy and family ties.  It will be a  powerful one, with no middle of the road when it comes to moving forward.  
I am alert
Ready to take action
The first on the scene
The last to leave
I take chances
But I am precise
I know where things belong
I am orderly and fastidious
Nothing escapes me
I am always prepared
I never give up or in
From my Heart to Yours,
I'm wishing you and your family a New Year
filled with abundant love, peace,
good health
and prosperity!
 OneLOVE,  RevB


 Rev. Barbara
Energy/Sound Healing Practitioner 

Services Include:
-Reiki   Healing
- Reiki Classes
- Attunements
  - Christ Light Healing
- Spiritual Consultations
- Angel Messages 
- Channeled Messages  
- Distant Healing 
- Light Language
- Holistic Events

December Event!
January 15th

 "We are birthing our true selves now....take yourself gently into your arms... and tell yourself the truth of who you are...You Are a Magnificent, Powerful Soul...God in form.  Nurture yourself, treat yourself like the Divine Being you are...look deep into your eyes and fall in LOVE with YOU...the real you...and celebrate your very existence on Earth."
                                          ~ Faith Spina


Angel Message

Life is a series of cycles and a time of rebirth is indicated.  This may mean a new phase in a relationship, the germination of a fresh idea or the development of qualities in you like laughter, light or hope. It may herald a total change. Do not be afraid to let go of the familiar, for the new cannot enter until the old and outworn has departed. 
Your Angel guidance is to accept the new! Birth is a vulnerable time. The fragile life force needs to be protected and nurtured within you.  Ask the Angels to guide the new beginnings in your life safely to maturity.

I welcome and nurture the new in my life.