Welcome, Ann Barnett
Supervisor of Rules and Regulations
In keeping with the tradition of the Epiphany and Christmas Season, Our Lady allows families to leave decorations, small trees and mementos on the gravesites of their loved ones through January 6. We know many times that visiting friends and relatives place items on the loved one’s gravesite and are not aware of the cemetery’s regulations. To help inform visitors, Our Lady has strategically placed three signs on the grounds to address our policy stated in the Rules and Regulations that all families sign at the time of purchasing one or more plots. We ask all plot owners to communicate our regulations to family members and friends to help keep our cemetery grounds beautiful.
Our Lady is pleased to announce that beginning January 1, 2024, Ann Barnett will begin her role of Supervisor of our Rules and Regulations. Ann Barnett and her husband Mike are also members of the Board of Our Lady and participate in the second Saturday Rosary group.
This is to give you notice that on Tuesday, January 9, Ann and her community of volunteers will walk the cemetery and remove all extra items on non-complying gravesites. Any items removed will be put in labeled bags and stored onsite near the office. Please use the time from reading this newsletter until January 8, to remove any Christmas decorations or non-compliant items from your space and keep them safe at your home.
If you find items have been removed from your space, contact the office and someone will assist you as soon as possible. Direct contact information will be forthcoming in the next newsletter.
Our Lady deeply appreciates our families who contribute so much to the beauty of the cemetery with natural plantings and wonderful monuments containing a symbol of faith. It will be lovely to see Our Lady continually maintained to the vision of having pristine and un-cluttered grounds!
The section below gives a list of what is not allowed in the cemetery.
From Rules and Regulations:
Ornamentation: In addition to planted flowers, a limit of two items is allowed at each traditional burial grave. A limit of one item is allowed at each infant/child grave. Additional items and/or plantings are not allowed in the Butterfly Garden cremation burial area or the St. Francis Walk cremation burial area. The cemetery staff may remove any ornamentation or decorations at the discretion of management without notification.
List presented to each plot owner during the purchase process:
Your loved one is resting in a place of natural beauty.
Our Lady of the Rosary Cemetery & Prayer Garden was designed using the European model. Nick and Ellen Brumder heard the calling and conceived this dream in 2004, the year of the rosary. Pope John Paul II sent his blessings in a letter. This cemetery would be "natural" - reflecting the seasons of the year; each season showing its natural beauty: the dryness in Winter, the new beginnings of Spring; the brightness of Summer and the changing in the Fall. This is our life's cycle too.
Hence, we are asking each family, their relatives and friends to comply with the following. As a benefit, our grounds can be better maintained and opening and closing graves will do less damage to adjacent gravesites.
• NO Borders including plants/flowers (Forest Garden is excluded from this rule)
• NO Rocks
• NO Solar Lights or lighting of any kind, this includes candles which are hazardous
• NO Yard Art (spinning birds or wind catchers, garden globes, etc.)
• NO Shepherd Hooks of ANY size
• NO Windchimes
• NO Hanging Baskets
• NO Astroturf
• NO Mulch higher than 6"
• NO Miniature Fir Trees
• NO Bushes or Giant-Species Flowers (Only 12-18" high)
• NO Plastic of any kind
• NO Toys, gloves, balls, caps, shoes, boots, clothing
• NO Glass Vases** or glass items of any kind
• NO Beer Cans, Soda Bottles, Champagne/Wine Bottles
• NO Metal of any kind including wire baskets around plants
• NO Silk Flowers
• NO Wreaths or Wreath Stands (allowed for Easter and Christmas during holiday period)
**A terra cotta ground pot which holds water which slowly seeps into the ground is the BEST way to maintain fresh-cut flowers.
We invite you to celebrate your loved one's birthday ON the day of his/her birth. Our picnic area is located in the trees at the pond behind our Information Board. Happy Birthday helium balloons are permitted but will be removed as they become deflated.