
Another year begins and we're slowly getting into the swing of things... It's always nice to take a break to rest and slow down at the end of the year, but the last week of 2002 ended for us in Vancouver with a heavy dump of snow and our working hard to dig ourselves out. No worries though, the best part of all that hard work was to get inside for hot chocolate and devour some of my home-baked cookies and Christmas cupcakes.

We have to find time to remind ourselves to reach out to our friends and families and spend time together if we can, to share good cheer, hearty drinks, play games and laugh out loud!

Also, a good time to look forward on the new year and do all the things that we didn't have time to do last year and to put them on the top of our list! One day and one step at a time.

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
Lao Tzu