We wanted to take a moment to extend warm holiday wishes to our members, partners, sponsors and supporters from the CCTI office! We look forward to continuing to serve your industry organization in the New Year together!

As we head into 2023, CCTI is looking for members who are interested in serving on the CCTI Technical Committee. If you or a colleague would like to serve, please contact the CCTI office.

We are working on one legislative issue currently during the lame duck session on behalf of our members, CCTI recently partnered with other manufacturing organizations and signed a collaborative letter of support to urge Congress to act by the end of the year to reinstate the EBITDA standard for business interest deductions.

As you probably already know, a stricter EBIT-based standard for calculating businesses’ interest deductions took effect at the beginning of 2022. By excluding the “DA” (companies’ depreciation and amortization expenses), the EBIT standard limits interest deductions for capital-intensive businesses and makes it more costly for them to debt finance for growth. A recent found that the switch from EBITDA to EBIT will cost the U.S. economy 467,000 jobs. If you reach out to your congressman individually on this issue, please let us know, so we can follow up as an organization also.

As always, I invite you to contact me directly on my mobile phone at 301 335 2715 or reach out to the office via email or phone, if we can be of assistance. 

Our staff... Jacquie, Stacie, Heidi, Chad and Morgan wishes you a very prosperous and healthy new year!

We look forward to seeing you in Memphis in May!

Andrea Ball

CCTI Executive Director

[email protected]


