Happy 2012!
Dry Babe, maker of Absorbent Sleepwear for "Hot" Mamas has come a long way in the last 12 months - from fledgling start up to established business - and we appreciate your business and support.
As a special thank you in the spirit of "New Year, New You" we have gathered together some incredible resources in womens health to tell you about. These wonderful women are some of my main go-to sources whenever I have a question or need help with an issue - especially those pertaining to navigating the aging process with grace.
All the best for the New Year!
Sincerely, Wendy Collett Owner/Founder Dry Babe |
Calling All Shmirshkies!! |
A note from Ellen Sarver Dolgen author of Shmirshky: The Pursuit of Hormone Happiness:
You don't realize how debilitating perimenopause and menopause can be until it hits you. The hot flashes, night sweats, memory loss, insomnia, and crashing libido are confusing and discouraging. When I went through menopause, I felt like an alien was taking over my body, and no woman should EVER have to feel like the next line out of her mouth will be "E.T. phone home."
Shmirshky: the pursuit of hormone happiness began as a therapeutic journal I kept to prepare my daughter, but it quickly developed into a menopause tool kit for women, including extensive research on both blood tests women should take as well as each of the 34 symptoms. It includes interviews and a daily symptoms chart to help recognize patterns in your body, and women who read it are able to find hormone happiness. You can, too! Shmirshky busts open the menopause conversation, promoting discussion among family and friends, and it can teach you things in a friendly way that you'd be hard-pressed to find elsewhere.
Check www.shmirshky.com for up-to-date menopause news and blogs, and in the meantime, go ahead and phone home to get the conversation started. Remember: Reaching out is IN. Suffering in silence is OUT! |
Is Menopause taking its toll on you?
Are you experiencing a dull complexion, thinning skin and hair, brittle or peeling nails, excessively dry skin and vaginal tissues,intense itching or the sensation of bugs crawling on your skin, increasing skin allergies and sensitivities, dark under eye circles, fragile capillaries, hormonal acne, increased cellulite and/or increased facial hair?
If you answered 'Yes!' -and you've had enough- turn the tables on your Menopause-related skin care and beauty issues by visiting my good friend Carrie E. Pierce at www.Menopauserus.com today!
Carrie is a licensed Aesthetician, Certified Color Analyst, former Hollywood film/TV and special f/x makeup artist, is a published author and public speaker and is one of the nation's only Menopause-related skin care and beauty experts.
Carrie and her team of licensed health and beauty professionals work to provide you with the latest, most cutting-edged, FACTUAL Menopause-related skin care and beauty information available.
As Founder and President, it's Carrie's mission- and her passion-to show you healthier ways of coping, surviving- and thriving during perimenopause and Menopause.
At www.Menopauserus.com you can sign up for her FREE twice-monthly ezine 'Menopausal Musings', visit their 'Our Preferred Partners' Page for a national directory of BodyLogicMD Physicians (all of whom specialize in BioIdentical HRT), as well as access links to several other Preferred Partners: life coaches who specialize in the process of Menopause, anti aging specialists, and other Menopause-related health professionals whom Carrie knows and trusts.
While there, be sure to stop by Carrie's 'Our Top Picks' page and shop for some of the finest Menopause-related products and services-all hand-picked by Carrie with you in mind.
Then take advantage of the tons of information found on her blog 'Haut Flashes'.
There's even a Menopauserus.com Store where you can purchase the latest Menopause-related health and beauty reports researched and written by Carrie herself.
Let Carrie help you make your Menopause 'The Change-for the Better!'
Contact her today and make your Menopause journey a time of amazing transformation- both internally AND externally!  |
Magnificent Menopause & Beyond Radio Show |
Magnificent Menopause & Beyond' is a great weekly radio show, created for the 40+ woman!
Co hosted by Gail Edgell, Founder and President of www.360Menopause.com -and- Carrie E. Pierce Founder and President of www.Menopauserus.com the show features everything you need to know to be the best you can be during your Midlife years -and beyond.
Each and every Thursday at 11:30 AM PST/ 2:30 PM EST, Gail and Carrie host a distinguished guest to dish the dirt on everything Menopause -always in a fun, enlightening and informative way.
Health, Beauty, Nutrition, Finances, Self Esteem, Weight Issues, Spirituality, Sexuality...it's all up for grabs on this show, and these two ladies are not afraid to take on any topic -or anyone- in order to provide you with accurate information for your personal Menopause journey!
Gail is a licensed Exercise Physiologist and Personal Trainer/Author/Public Speaker and as mentioned earlier is President and Founder of www.360Menopause.com and www.GailEdgell.com
Carrie is a licensed Aesthetician/Certified Color Analyst/ Former Hollywood Film and TV Makeup Artist/Published Author, Public Speaker and is President and Founder of www.Menopauserus.com.
Both Gail and Carrie are moving through their own personal Menopause journeys and as such it's their mission to help each and every woman achieve vibrancy, balance and a new sense of completeness as she transitions through this exciting, and challenging stage of Life.
If you're a 40+ woman- or love one who is, trust us: you do NOT want to miss this show!
You can LISTEN LIVE and catch all the action each and every Thursday, 11:30 AM PST/2:30 PM EST by following this link:
Once there you can access every show they've ever done by way of the Archives section.
Tune in, listen, learn, blossom and get inspired!
A word from Jody, our resident fitness expert & owner of this amazing body:
I am a 54 year old health & fitness enthusiast! Some might call me a workout nut & I am fine with that! I have been at the health & fitness game since my early 20's after being an overweight or should we say fat kid. I have done aerobic classes & run 5k's & competed in amateur bodybuilding.
The one consistent for me is consistency & patience! I have stuck with eating healthy & working out on a consistent basis for over 30+++ years. Yes, I plan for my treats every week but I stay consistent in terms of eating well most of the time.
As I hit perimenopause which has been going on for 7 plus years, I had to learn to adjust with the hormone & body changes. This is one thing I also stay consistent with - mixing things up, learning always & adjusting for changes in life AND my body. It is hard work but well worth the payoff for staying fit & healthy as I age. Dry Babe's great products also help me through those trying sweats & "flashes".
Don't let anything deter you from living your best life. You can do it!
Jody - www.truth2beingfit.com
We wish you a very happy & healthy New Year!
Dry Babe 75-34 West Shore Road Port Washington, New York 11050 516-510-9744
The Sweet Dreams Collection by Dry Babe
One Less Thing to Lose Sleep Over.....
Millions of women in the U.S. are plagued by night sweats (Nocturnal Hydrosis), the result of hormone imbalance, illness and medication. Until this past spring, there had been no sure-fire, external solution to address - or dress! - the problem.
Due to the success of Dry Babe's initial launch in May, we are pleased to introduce the Sweet Dreams Collection by Dry Babe TM Absorbent Sleepwear for "Hot" Mamas.
This innovative sleepwear collection serves up style plus function thanks to both absorbing and wicking properties - that redirects moisture away from the skin - keeping women dry, well-rested and refreshed. Fun, flirty, affordable, and available in a range of sizes, the Sweet Dreams by Dry Babe line arrived in December for the holiday season at www.drybabe.com
A Rude Awakening...
Conceived by a night sweat sufferer, 44-year old Wendy Collett didn't enjoy an uninterrupted night's sleep for nearly three years while searching for a sleepwear solution to keep her dry. She would wake up in the middle of the night, her clothes soaked through, leaving her cold, wet and clammy - and wide awake and frustrated! Her only slumber salvation was to towel off and change clothes. And then the cycle would begin again. And she is not alone
Night Sweats are an Issue Throughout a Woman's Lifecycle
Night sweats are a common occurrence for women. Any type of hormone imbalance can bring on night sweats. The end of the monthly menstrual cycle, pregnancy, post- partum, perimenopause and menopause are times in the lifecycle that often correspond with night sweats. However, many common and uncommon illnesses are associated with night sweats such as diabetes, obesity and cancer as well as many commonly prescribed prescription medications including antidepressants and sleep aids.
In the Heat of the Night She was Looking for Answers...
Dry Babe is the answer to Wendy's countless capers with night sweat garments that were big on promise but low on performance. Designed from a blend of 95% cotton for softness and 5% polyester for a bit of stretch, the Sweet Dreams by Dry Babe's lineintrinsically absorbent thread loops are also naturally wicking - meaning that they draw moisture away from the body, pulling it through to the front where it dries quickly.
Get your sleep salvation at www.drybabe.com!

Dry Babe is participating in 2 product give aways in the month of January!
For details check out
& www.fabulousafter40.com/contests/ |
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