Kindness in Action Newsletter

January, 2025



Welcome to 2025!

As the calendar turned to a new year, I assumed my new role as Executive Director of Eblen Charities, and I couldn't be more excited! I've been involved with Eblen ever since Joe Eblen called me twenty years ago to help him with a special project and my love of the organization has grown ever since. I've been on the Board of Directors for the past three years and when Beth Russo announced that she would be stepping down, I had to pay attention to this calling. Beth has done an amazing job over the last three years, and she leaves some very big shoes to fill! I'm so blessed to work with an amazing staff here at Eblen and I thank the Board of Directors for their trust and support. 2024 was one of the most challenging years that we have ever seen here in Western North Carolina, and the need is great as we head into 2025. With your continued support, we'll make sure that those who need the help can get it as we rebuild together and work towards a brighter tomorrow.

With Appreciation,

Brian Hall

We are so grateful for the generosity of our Saint Nicholas Project sponsors, the WNC community and the many people across our country who gave after the devastation of Hurricane Helene. This Christmas we served twice as many as the previous year with over 2100 families (over 6400 children).

We continue to provide assistance to families with past due rent, mortgage and water bills as well as gas vouchers for individuals needing help to get a job interview or medical appointment. Each need is different, and we encourage you to reach out for help.

As the demand for assistance has increased, Eblen has hired additional caseworkers, added more office volunteers and made the request process easier with our updated online application. Thank you for your patience as we make adjustments to meet the needs in our community.

Thank you, Volunteers!

Volunteers are the backbone of Eblen! We could not do what we do without YOU! We had over 330 volunteers help with our biggest community event, the Saint Nicholas Project. There are so many ways you can help serve our neighbors at Eblen. Would you consider joining our team of volunteers?

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