Seneca Past and Present 
January Newsletter
Issue #2015-01
January 16, 2015
Quick Links



The new year is upon us and Seneca Past and Present is ready to meet the challenges of assisting scholars and champions reach their goals.  Are you willing to join us?  We need everyone to pitch in and help on our journey to bring Seneca back to greatness!  Join us at our next meeting on Monday, February 2, at 6:00pm in the school cafeteria. 
Report Card Conferencing

Can you give a couple of hours to encourage students now that report cards have been distributed?  Danny Clemens needs your help if you are interested.  There are several sessions of report card conferencing throughout the year.  The next session is this coming Tuesday, 1/20, from 7:40am-1:30pm.  You can come for the entire time or for just one hour.  You receive all the information you need in order to participate.  We just need volunteers.  Contact Danny Clemens at Seneca by emailing:

Basketball Homecoming
Don't forget about Basketball Homecoming!  Friday, February 6, at 6:00, the girls basketball team will take on the Brown School.  Be there to support our Redhawks!  Let's go girls! 
Seneca Hall of Fame Is HERE!

Kudos go to Larry Williams ('92) for his hard work in getting the newly formed Seneca Hall of Fame off the ground and running!  The first committee meeting was held on January 14.  Look here and on our website to keep up to date with related news.  If you have any suggestions for possible Hall of Fame inductees for the Class of 2016, please contact Larry at   Or you can contact Seneca Past and Present at

Seneca Past and Present Membership Drive

Carol Zoll Spanyer '62, a Board Member and our Recruitment Chairman reminds you that January is renewal month for Seneca Past and Present.  If you've donated to Seneca Past and Present, expect a renewal envelope in the mail in the coming weeks.  If we don't have contact information for you, fill out our information form so that we can always keep in touch and you can be connected to Seneca.

Notable Alumni for JCPS

Do you know someone who has used their education at Seneca to continue on to do great things for their community, nation or world?  JCPS

is in the process of developing an advertising/marketing campaign to celebrate successful alumni.  If you know of any alumnus that might be suitable for this campaign, send us their names, contact information and a few words about their accomplishments.  If there is a recent graduate who is attending a highly selective and competitive college with ambitious career goals, send us that information as well.

Seneca Forever,

Board of Directors

Seneca Past and Present