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A message from

Babak Abbaszadeh, President and CEO

Dear friends, colleagues, and TC associates,


Happy New Year!


As we begin our 26th year, we look upon an increasingly fragile world, where financial authorities face a complex set of interconnected risks – including economic volatility, sticky inflation, and rising debt costs. Geopolitical and climate-related financial risks are increasing. 


The unexpected failures of two specialized regional banks in the United States – and the collapse of confidence in a global systemically important bank – shook financial markets in 2023.

Against the background of these challenges, Toronto Centre is poised to embark on our new strategic plan. We are ready to deliver programs and provide guidance that help build resilience and capacity to manage these and other emerging risks. As we do so, we gratefully acknowledge the essential support of our funders, founders, board of directors, partners, and advisory board chairs and members.

You will find our slate of capacity-building offerings for supervisors and regulators across all sectors, including banking, securities, insurance, pensions, and microfinance, in our 2024 Program Catalogue.



We delivered more than 80 programs, five executive panels, and seven webinars. We trained over 3,500 supervisors, empowering them to make sustainable changes. We published 10 TC Notes, two toolkits, 10 TC Insights, and 18 podcasts. All of these efforts furthered our mission to support financial stability and inclusion around the globe.

We partnered with global leaders from central banks, supervisory authorities – and international organizations and standard setters such as IOSCO, IAIS, and NGFS – to discuss how to address the most pressing issues facing the financial sector.


We are pleased to welcome Grahame Johnson as the Government of Canada’s representative on our board of directors. He is currently Assistant Deputy Minister, Financial Sector Branch, Finance Canada, and has held senior roles with the Bank of Canada.  

We wish to thank Peter Routledge for his dedication and service as he recently completed his term as the Government of Canada’s representative on the board. Peter is committed to increasing OSFI’s engagement with Toronto Centre, and we look forward to continuing to work with him and his team at OSFI. 


Wynell De Landro-Robinson and Lay Geok Yeo recently joined the Toronto Centre team as program directors. Their positive energy and international experience will strengthen our programming.


We bid a fond farewell to Dr. Hooi Eng Phang, Ivone Morais, and Shelina Visram, who are well-known in the Toronto Centre family. We are grateful for their many contributions.


On behalf of the Toronto Centre team, I wish you and your family a healthy and happy 2024. 

Babak Abbaszadeh

President and CEO

Crisis Preparedness Program

(CFS Level 1)

| Toronto, Canada | May 27 - May 31

save the dates

Virtual International Leadership Programs

Supervising in an Increasingly Fragile World

• Securities: May 6-10

• Insurance & Pensions: June 3-7

• Banking: June 24-28

Core Curriculum Program

(CFS Level 1)

• Toronto, Oct. 21-Nov. 1

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Toronto Centre

Phone: (416) 943-9300 | (416) 943-4800

Web: www.torontocentre.org | Email: info@torontocentre.org