Hello - just a reminder that you're receiving this email because
you are a valued leadership partner
with the DeKalb County Convention and Visitors Bureau. Don't forget to add darmstrong@dekalbcountycvb.com to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox!
DCCVB Partner Newsletter
Our Mission Statement:
To generate economic impact and promote DeKalb County as a premier destination for business and leisure travel.
The 2019 Visitor Guides Have Arrived!
The Visitors Guide is jam-packed with events and attractions for visitors to explore and experience in 2019. We have started distributing and shipping across the county and state.
Available for DeKalb County Businesses & Organizations
The Visitors Guide is the
premier marketing piece
for DeKalb County. Your distribution efforts will help increase visibility for our local events and attractions. The guide also makes a great recruitment tool to highlight what our region has to offer.
Contact the DCCVB at
or email
to reserve your supply today.
NIU Partners
, get your guides right on campus. Contact Theresa Stack at tstack@niu.edu to secure your copies for recruitment, welcome packets, event distribution, and more.
The DeKalb County Visitors Guide is Available Digitally
The DCCVB has again produced the visitors guide in an interactive digital form. The digital guide is available here
and on the DCCVB website.
State-Wide Distribution
- Visitors guides are distributed to Northern Illinois University (5,000), the DeKalb County Legislative Building, municipalities, chambers, hotels, and attractions throughout DeKalb County.
- The DCCVB pays to place the guide in visitor kiosks located at tollway oases, Chicago Hotels along I-80 & I-88, and at popular attractions across Chicagoland like Navy Pier, the Quad Cities and beyond.
- Because the DCCVB is a certified bureau, we are able to take part in Illinois Office of Tourism Partnerships to place guides at Chicago's Union Station, nine tourist information centers, and other locations as they become available.
Earned Media: Priceless
A Perfect Example: Public Relations and Promotional Efforts Between the DCCVB and Northwest Quarterly
- The DCCVB secured several earned media stories and articles promoting DeKalb County.
- The value of the earned media mentions is approximately $7,000
- NWQ Holiday 2018 Getaway Guide for Northwest Chicagoland
- Covers the Best of Life in McHenry, Kane, NW Cook & Lake Counties
- NWQ Holiday/Winter 2018 Getaway Guide for Old Northwest Territory
- Covers the Best of Life in Southern Wisconsin & Northern Illinois
- An estimated 176,300 readers across Northern Illinois, Southern Wisconsin and the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago.
Northwest Chicagoland Getaway Guide Featuring
Ellwood House and Egyptian Theatre
Old Northwest Territory Getaway Guide Featuring
Holiday Lights Train and Egyptian Theatre
Wet Your Whistle at Whiskey Acres
Congrats to Whiskey Acres Distilling Co.!
They are now open year-round, thanks to their BIG, new, fabulous 4,200 square foot Visitor's Center!
Kick back, relax, and enjoy your visit with friends while sipping on cocktails by the glass in this beautiful space. Be sure to take home a bottle or two of bourbon, vodka, and rye to share or keep for yourself!
Whiskey Acres is open from 1:30 - 8:30 on Fridays & Saturdays
and 1:30 - 5:30 on Sundays.
Plan your tour and tasting event with friends today.
DeKalb County History Center Selected to Host Traveling Smithsonian Exhibit
Congrats to the DeKalb County History Center for being
one of six sites chosen
for the Illinois tour of the new Museum on Main Street exhibition produced by the Smithsonian Institute.
Currently, DCHC is closed as staff and volunteers are preparing for the move to their new building which will include a dedicated education/program space, exhibit space, and the Joiner History Room, which is also preparing to move from the Sycamore Public Library.
Sycamore Fire Preservation Company will house their 1923 Stuz Fire Truck in the garage previously used for programming.
The History Center is working closely w
ith a variety of organizations to ensure artifacts, exhibits, and programming will represent the diverse stories and experiences of DeKalb County.
The History Center's
Grand Opening
will coincide with the Smithsonian exhibit's opening on
May 11th
. DCHC will host this exhibit until June 22nd.
2019 will prove to be another exciting year for DeKalb County history!
Come see for yourself!
DCCVB Museums and History Centers Brochure
a Continued Success
- First-ever tri-fold color brochure developed and published by DCCVB
- Features 9 locations from across the county and lists 15 additional locations
- 20,000 published and distributed to Partners, Regional Oasis Kiosk Programs, and Tourist Information Centers
What is the benefit of partnering with DCCVB, you ask? The DCCVB consistently promotes and attracts more tourists!
Egyptian Theatre Set to Undergo
$4.5 million Renovation Project
Last month, the DeKalb City Council earmarked $2.5 million in surplus funds from the tax increment financing district, allowing theater staff to confidently move forward with renovation plans. Thirty-five individuals representing businesses or organizations wrote letters of support for the Egyptian project before the Council's vote.
The $4.5 million project includes the installation of a heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning system, designed to protect the historical integrity of the building. Other repairs and upgrades will include an expansion of the concessions area as well as the bathroom facilities.
Once engineering begins in June, theater officials hope to begin their summer programming in 2020.
In a recent Daily Chronicle article, Executive Director Alex Nerad stated, “Whether you look at economic, hotel, or restaurant impact, we need the Egyptian year-round. It’s about maintaining an economic engine, sustainably, for the DeKalb region and beyond."
2019 IESA State Wrestling Bid Won
- March 8th - 9th at the NIU Convocation Center
- Estimated impact of $300,000 - $450,000
- 500+ estimated hotel room nights
- 500+ visitors in two days
- 600+ wrestlers to compete; a 25% increase from last year
Celebrate DeKalb County's Bold Spirits all in one location.
Entertainment provided by
Back Country Roads!
Save the Date!
Bold Spirits Fest will be back!
When: Saturday, June 1st
Time: 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Where: Jonamac Orchard
More info to follow.
- Forge Brewhouse
- Jonamac Orchard Cider House
- Prairie State Winery
- Waterman Winery & Vineyards
- Whiskey Acres Distilling Co.
NIU Women's Sports
Home Events
NIU Men's Sports
Home Events
Promoting Our Communities
Maple Park
Chair -
Brad Hoey
(NIU Athletics)
Vice Chair -
Alex Nerad
(Egyptian Theatre)
Treasurer -
Kevin McArtor
(Jonamac Orchard)
Secretary -
Jo Burke
(NIU Art Museum
Cindy Green-Deutsch
(Shabbona Home Town Events)
Michael Embrey
(FunMe Events)
Misty Haji-Sheik
(DeKalb County Board)
Derek Hiland
, Ex Officio
(DeKalb County)
Mark Kerman
, Ex Officio
(Siepert & Co. LLP)
Mary Keys
(Genoa Guest House)
Jason Michnick
(City of DeKalb)
Eric Olson
(Daily Chronicle)
Rick Olson
(City of Sandwich)
Ryan Sedevie
(NIU Athletics)
Vicky Torres
(Red Roof Inn & Suites)
Rose Treml
(Sycamore Chamber)
Executive Director - Debbie Armstrong
Sales Coordinator - Erin Reynolds
Our Mission Statement
To generate economic impact and promote DeKalb County as a premier destination for business and leisure travel.
Your investment as stakeholders and partners is invaluable to our mission.
Our tourism industry is thriving.
Attractions are expanding their venues, creating more jobs and adding more wealth to our region. We would like to thank all of our outstanding partners and supporters of tourism for contributing to this success! We will continue to develop marketing strategies and partnerships to attract leisure and business travels to DeKalb County.
DeKalb County Convention and Visitors Bureau
111 South 2nd St. Suite 202 | DeKalb, IL 60115
Open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm